Toronto Star

A complex portrait of a complicate­d literary icon

‘Tiff: A Life of Timothy Findley’ illuminate­s a new way to understand his work

- ROBERT J. WIERSEMA Robert J. Wiersema’s latest book is “Seven Crow Stories.”

One of the most significan­t memories from my past life as a bookseller was the last time I hosted Timothy Findley, for what I believe was the final event on what would become, sadly, his final book tour. Findley was already sick, so frail he had to hold my arm for support as we walked to the stage. Once behind the podium, though, in front of several hundred readers, he was like a man possessed — strong, confident, passionate. He read, he took questions, he signed books and drank wine and embraced friends.

And when the doors were closed, hours later, he could barely walk off the stage. It was stunning, and, beautiful, and brave. That night was a reflection of what we know of Findley: He loved and was loved, he lived a public life, with a huge circle of friends.

While his public-facing nature might seem an obstacle to biographic­al investigat­ion, Sherrill Grace uses it as the starting point for “Tiff: A Life of Timothy Findley,” an enthrallin­g exploratio­n of Findley’s lives, which is much less interested in salacious revelation­s than it is in attempting to gain a deeper understand­ing. As she writes, “Findley was too self-conscious, even in his journals, too wary of bare facts, and far too clever to be captured by a single version of Truth, which makes him all the more intriguing.”

Working with the support of Findley’s longtime partner Bill Whitehead, Grace — who has previously written about Tom Thomson, Sharon Pollock and others — bases her biography not only in Findley’s public actions, including revealing interviews he gave, but also in conversati­ons with his intimates, lengthy examinatio­ns of his family history and, most significan­tly, the voluminous journals Findley kept for the entirety of his adult life. Part of the delight of “Tiff” is following Grace as she reckons with these materials, at times barely able to contain her enthusiasm, while always maintainin­g a critical distance: “There are obvious lacunae in his journal entries; sometimes many journal pages are left blank, and in a small number of places a few pages have been torn out … Were there things he was unwilling to record? Or was there simply an innocuous reason for abandoning those pages and starting a new journal?”

The result is a complex portrait of a complicate­d man. Grace chronicles Findley’s battles with depression and alcoholism (the chapters following his years as a journeyman actor in London are particular­ly harrowing), his struggles with his sexuality, his disappoint­ments with his career and the direction of the world around him, particular­ly environmen­tal decline and its effect on the planet’s animals.

Threaded through with close readings of Findley’s work, “Tiff” forms an essential re-envisionin­g of that work through a devastatin­gly intimate lens, drawing connection­s between Findley’s family and personal experience­s with characters and events in his oeuvre. This re-reading includes such touchstone­s as “The Wars” and “The Piano Man’s Daughter,” both of which are deeply rooted in Findley’s past; the re-examinatio­n serves to enhance Findley’s fiction and elevate its already substantia­l importance.

“Tiff” is the sort of biography, one imagines, Findley would have liked: one which sends readers back to his books, allowing them to experience his words anew, with a fresh understand­ing of the life beneath them.

 ?? RON BULL ?? Threaded through with close readings of Timothy Findley’s work, “Tiff” forms an essential re-envisionin­g of that work through a devastatin­gly intimate lens.
RON BULL Threaded through with close readings of Timothy Findley’s work, “Tiff” forms an essential re-envisionin­g of that work through a devastatin­gly intimate lens.
 ??  ?? “Tiff: A Life of Timothy Findley,” by Sherrill Grace, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 540 pages, $39.99
“Tiff: A Life of Timothy Findley,” by Sherrill Grace, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 540 pages, $39.99
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