Toronto Star

Autism distorted killer’s thinking: defence

Minassian’s condition during van attack similar to psychosis, court hears


A forensic psychiatri­st retained by the defence to assess Alek Minassian’s state of mind as he ran down pedestrian­s in a van in 2018 opined in a report that Minassian was not in a psychotic state but “his autistic way of thinking was severely distorted in a way similar to psychosis,” court heard Thursday.

The brief section of the report, read by the Crown as they argued for access to a video of Minassian being interviewe­d by the defence psychiatri­st, is the first indication of how Minassian will argue that he is not criminally responsibl­e due to a mental disorder.

Minassian, 28, has pleaded not guilty to 10 counts of first-degga mitted that he killed, or intended to kill all 26 people and that his actions were planned and deliberate.

He will be arguing he is not criminally responsibl­e due to a mental disorder and the primary evidence in the case is expected to come from forensic psychiatri­sts and other experts who will testify for the defence and then the Crown.

The exact mental disorder Minassian will be arguing he has has not yet been presented in open court and no psychiatri­c testimony has been heard. Minassian has been reportedly diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder known as Asperger syndrome.

On Thursday, Crown prosecutor Joe Callaghan read a short excerpt from the report prepared by the forensic psychiatri­st Dr. Alexander Westphal, one of two forensic psychiatri­sts the defence is expected to call to testify.

Westphal is an associate professor of psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine and, according to his resumé, has a clinical research focus on autism spectrum disorders including Asperger syndrome and the “assessment

and management of problemati­c behaviours of the type that can lead to legal involvemen­t.” Westphal’s recent research includes a paper titled “Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Insanity Defence,” which examines how the disorder may affect the ability to understand wrongfulne­ss.

Westphal described Minassian’s emotional state during their interview as “neutral but appropriat­e for the situation,”

g to the part of the report read by the Crown.

Minassian denied symptoms of a psychotic illness, including hallucinat­ions and “thought insertion,” but had a thought process that was “concrete and inflexible,” the report said. Minassian has to be asked questions repeatedly and was sometimes “baffled,” unable to provide answers or providing answers that missed the point.

Callaghan argued that the assessment clearly relied on Minassian’s presentati­on and his manner of answering questions, and therefore it was necessary for the Crown experts to review the 15 hours of video interviews.

Minassian’s lawyer, Boris Bytensky, opposed the request and argued that the disclosure of the notes of the interviews with the accused and his parents were sufficient. Superior Court Justice Anne Molloy ruled that the defence would have to disclose the recordings if the related experts testify.

To determine whether Minassian is not criminally responsibl­e, Molloy will have to determine first whether the accused had a mental disorder, and then whether that disorder rendered him either incapable of appreciati­ng the nature and quality of his acts — a question linked to whether he understood the physical consequenc­es of his actions — or whether he knew what he did was morally or legally wrong.

On Tuesday, the first day of the judge-alone Zoom trial, court heard a graphic agreed statement of facts detailing the sequence of Minassian’s planning and his four-minute rampage down Yonge Street on April 23, 2018.

Minassian drove the rented white van directly at pedestrian­s as he careened down the sidewalk, reaching speeds of 50 km/h. He accelerate­d as he drove into people and sent some flying into the air, dragging others along the pavement.

The Crown played a central piece of evidence Thursday regarding Minassian’s state of mind: his four-hour police interview given soon after the attack.

In the interview, he explained having a violent hatred of women and his desire to spark an “incel uprising” in order to “overthrow” society so that women would be forced to have sex with incels — part of a dehumanizi­ng and misogynist set of beliefs held in the online community of “involuntar­y celibates.” The ideology has been designated a violent, extremist movement by the RCMP.

On Thursday the Crown filed more agreed statements of fact, providing background on two mass murderers notoriousl­y associated with the group who Minassian claimed to have communicat­ed with: Elliot Rodger and Chris Harper-Mercer.

No evidence was found on Minassian’s electronic devices that could establish if such communicat­ion occurred.

The trial resumes on Monday.

 ?? PAM DAVIES ILLUSTRATI­ON ?? Alek Minassian, left, has pleaded not guilty to 10 counts of first-degree murder and 16 counts of attempted murder. Superior Court Justice Anne Molloy is presiding over the trial.
PAM DAVIES ILLUSTRATI­ON Alek Minassian, left, has pleaded not guilty to 10 counts of first-degree murder and 16 counts of attempted murder. Superior Court Justice Anne Molloy is presiding over the trial.

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