Toronto Star

Blinken set to be Biden’s top diplomat

Expected nominee for secretary of state served in Obama administra­tion


WASHINGTON— President-elect Joe Biden is expected to nominate Antony Blinken as secretary of state, according to multiple people familiar with the Biden team’s planning.

Blinken, 58, served as deputy secretary of state and deputy national security adviser during the Obama administra­tion and has close ties with Biden. If nominated and confirmed, he would be a leading force in the incoming administra­tion’s bid to reframe the U.S. relationsh­ip with the rest of the world after four years in which President Donald Trump questioned longtime alliances.

In nominating Blinken, Biden would sidestep potentiall­y thorny issues that could have affected Senate confirmati­on for two other candidates on his short list to be America’s top diplomat: Susan Rice and Sen. Chris Coons.

Rice would have faced significan­t GOP opposition and likely rejection in the Senate. She has long been a target of Republican­s, including for statements she made after the deadly 2012 attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya.

Coons’ departure from the Senate would have come as other Democratic senators are being considered for administra­tive posts and the party is hoping to win back the Senate. Control hangs on the result of two runoff elections in Georgia in January.

Biden is likely to name his Cabinet picks in tranches, with groups of nominees focused on aspecific top area, like the economy, national security or public health, being announced at

once. Advisers to the presidente­lect’s transition have said they’ll make their first cabinet announceme­nts on Tuesday.

If Biden focuses on national security that day, Michèle Flournoy, a veteran of Pentagon policy jobs, is a top choice to lead the Defence Department. Jake Sullivan, a longtime adviser to Biden and Hillary Clinton, is also in the mix for a top job, including White House national security adviser.

For his part, Blinken recently participat­ed in a national security briefing with Biden and vice-president-elect Kamala Harris and has weighed in publicly on notable foreign policy issues in Egypt and Ethiopia.

Biden’s secretary of state would inherit a deeply demoralize­d and depleted career workforce at the State Department. Trump’s two secretarie­s of state, Rex Tillerson and Mike Pompeo, offered weak resis

tance to the administra­tion’s attempts to gut the agency, which were thwarted only by congressio­nal interventi­on.

Although the department escaped massive proposed cuts of more than 30 per cent in its budget for three consecutiv­e years, it has seen a significan­t number of departures from its senior ranks, from which many diplomats have opted to retire or leave the foreign service given limited prospects for advancemen­ts under an administra­tion that they believe does not value their expertise.

A graduate of Harvard University and Columbia Law School and a longtime Democratic foreign policy presence, Blinken has aligned himself with numerous former senior national security officials who have called for a major reinvestme­nt in American diplomacy and renewed emphasis on global engagement.

“Democracy is in retreat around the world, and unfortunat­ely it’s also in retreat at home because of the president taking a two-by-four to its institutio­ns, its values and its people every day,” Blinken told The Associated Press in September. “Our friends know that Joe Biden knows who they are. So do our adversarie­s. That difference would be felt on day one.”

Biden has pledged to build the most diverse government in modern history, and he and his team often speak about their desire for his administra­tion to reflect America. He is being watched to see whether he will make history by nominating the first woman to lead the Pentagon, the Treasury Department or the Department of Veterans Affairs, or the first African American at the top of the Defence Department, the Interior Department or the Treasury Department.

 ?? MANDEL NGAN AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Antony Blinken, 58, served as deputy secretary of state and deputy national security adviser during Barack Obama’s presidency and has close ties with U.S. President-elect Joe Biden.
MANDEL NGAN AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Antony Blinken, 58, served as deputy secretary of state and deputy national security adviser during Barack Obama’s presidency and has close ties with U.S. President-elect Joe Biden.

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