Toronto Star

Debate about Catholic school board overdue

- MICHAEL COREN Rev. Michael Coren is a Torontobas­ed writer and contributi­ng columnist to the Star's Opinion section and iPolitics. Follow him on Twitter: @michaelcor­en

Now here’s a question most of us have never thought likely: “If Jesus Himself were to attend a meeting of the Toronto Catholic District School Board, I wonder if He would be interrupte­d?”

The answer is a little above my paygrade, and not — as far as I know — mentioned specifical­ly in the Gospels. But Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto and responsibl­e for the spiritual and administra­tive needs of millions of Canadian Catholics, thought it worthy to ask in a letter he wrote recently to TCDSB board chair Joseph Martino.

The context to all this are comments made at a board meeting more than a year ago by trustee Michael Del Grande, in a discussion to update the language of the code of conduct so as to be more sensitive to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgende­r and queer (LGBTQ) students.

The amendments were passed by an 8-4 vote but during the debate Del Grande referred to bestiality, pedophilia, rape, cannibalis­m and vampirism also being included in the new wording. He later explained that this was a use of hyperbole to make a point about a slippery slope, but others were deeply and understand­ably offended, considerin­g what he said to be “inflammato­ry” and “lacking in compassion.” Del Grande has now been censured, asked to make a public apology and complete an equitytrai­ning course.

In this latest meeting, a delegate began to read from the Roman Catholic Church’s catechism on the subject of homosexual­ity. It’s an especially clinical text, insisting that while LGBTQ people are to be treated with respect, homosexual activity is sinful, “objectivel­y disordered” and “contrary to natural law.” It’s crassly patronizin­g, fails to grasp the reality of inherent sexuality, and is ignored by numerous Catholics.

The reading was interrupte­d and three trustees — chair Martino, Norm Di Pasquale, and Maria Rizzo — objected, with trustee Di Pasquale quite rightly saying that these were “dangerous waters” that could be seen as “putting down a marginaliz­ed and vulnerable community at our board.” There was general (though not absolute) agreement, and the delegate quickly concluded his comments.

Cardinal Collins evidently disagrees, arguing in his letter, ”That a Catholic should be criticized, and effectivel­y be prevented by Catholic trustees from reading from the Catholic Catechism at a meeting of a Catholic school board is simply reprehensi­ble,” and that Jesus calling for us to repent “for the Kingdom of God is near, and many other things He says in the Gospel” might not be “sufficient­ly soothing, and perhaps might offend.”

Jesus, by the way, never speaks of homosexual­ity — but is repeatedly and fiercely critical of those who judge, are legalistic, and ignore the central call to love. The deeper, more political issue, however, is the clash between a publicly funded Catholic school system, and the laws and norms of mainstream society. During times of financial strain and social evolution, this inevitably leads to questions about why Ontario has two public systems.

The origins are noble, providing protection to a minority that had often faced discrimina­tion. But in modern Ontario, more than 31 per cent of the population is Catholic, 22 per cent Protestant, and in Canada as a whole, Catholicis­m is, at 38 per cent, the single largest denominati­on. The idea of safeguards seems somewhat anachronis­tic.

Change is not, as is often claimed, impossibly difficult. Quebec and Newfoundla­nd passed constituti­onal resolution­s to end religious funding, Manitoba changed in 1890, and because Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, P.E.I. and B.C. didn’t have separate Catholic school systems when they entered Confederat­ion, the constituti­onal insistence on Catholic schooling didn’t apply. Even Catholic high schools in Ontario weren’t publicly funded until the 1980s.

The truth is that many if not most Catholic schools are progressiv­e and inclusive in their teaching, with teachers more concerned with the well-being of their students than some of the harsher beliefs of their faith. But there are still school trips to anti-abortion events, cases of LGBTQ students feeling isolated and insecure, and genuine questions about duplicatio­n of spending and the need for a separate, Catholic system in the modern age — especially as other religions do not receive the same privilege.

Cardinal Collins’ letter may have the opposite of its intention, but perhaps an open and informed debate is love overdue. Just don’t expect Jesus to attend the meeting.

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