Toronto Star

‘Groundhog Day’ lessons for Biden

- Edward Keenan

WASHINGTON—On Tuesday, Punxsutawn­ey Phil’s Groundhog Day prediction of a long winter ahead matched the unusual accumulati­on of snow in D.C. Local residents greeted the weather by digging out crosscount­ry skis, postponing events, and hitting sledding hills. The general mood was summarized in a viral video of the pandas at the National Zoo joyfully sliding around. For many here, the response is like the 2000 movie “Snow Day.”

There’s a different obligatory movie reference every Feb. 2 — the sense of frustratin­gly repetitive déjà vu that characteri­zed Bill Murray’s 2003 film “Groundhog Day.” And even in highly unusual times, there is a sense of repeating patterns early in Joe Biden’s presidency. Another day, another set of executive orders reversing those of Donald Trump, another frustratin­g report on vaccine distributi­on, another absolutely bananas insider report of the Trump administra­tion’s efforts to overturn the election. Even House managers filing an impeachmen­t case against Trump brought the sense of recent history repeating.

Worse, for many Democrats, was the prospect of negotiatin­g with Senate Republican­s over Biden’s proposed $1.9-trillion COVID-19 rescue package. Biden has talked up “unity.” He’s on the record as being opposed to getting rid of the Senate filibuster. Both point to a perceived need to get 10 Republican votes for his package. On Monday night, he met with 10 Republican senators to talk about that.

Some fear a Groundhog Day situation: There’s recent history of Democratic presidents bending over backward to meet Republican­s halfway. At the end of that movie, the progressiv­es always get rolled. Picture Bill Clinton getting impeached

while winding up the bipartisan face of legislatio­n slashing welfare rolls. Much of Barack Obama’s memoir details how he searched in vain for reasonable compromise­s with reasonable Republican­s, and lost control of Congress for his trouble.

Today, attempts at compromise seem even more quixotic. How do you meet opponents halfway when their starting position is that California wildfires were started by space lasers controlled by a Jewish cabal? You don’t.

Even many Republican­s are recognizin­g that. On Monday, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell called out his party’s space-laser theorist, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, as “cancer for the Republican party.” Still, McConnell’s brand of Republican­ism offers no great hope for Democrats: He was the obstructio­nist-in-chief of the Obama years.

Biden met with the most moderate edge of the Republican caucus, which includes Mitt Romney and Susan Collins. Even they brought the kind of compromise proposal progressiv­es fear: less than one third the size of Biden’s plan, offering less money to fewer people to accomplish less across the board.

Those who worry bipartisan­ship will be the rallying cry of surrender might take heart from Biden’s response. In a statement after the meeting,

the president’s press secretary said, “While he is hopeful that the rescue plan can pass with bipartisan support, a reconcilia­tion package” — a filibuster­proof way to pass the package with or without any Republican support — “is a path to achieve that end.” Biden, the statement said, “will not settle for a package that fails to meet the moment.”

Many Democrats will be heartened if that approach holds, and many other Americans likely will be, too. Biden’s COVID-19 stimulus plan is popular — A Yahoo News/YouGov poll this week showed that twothirds of Americans support it. Biden argues that the emergency of the moment demands he not water this package down. But even in pure political terms, compromisi­ng would be alienating to many voters of both parties.

There’s research that shows that voters, in the abstract, value bipartisan­ship. But there’s also a strong argument that they judge politician­s on whether they deliver what they promise. Recent experience is that Republican­s greet Democratic attempts at bipartisan­ship by making it impossible for Democrats to fulfil their promises. When that situation created gridlock in the Obama years, voters didn’t punish Republi- can obstructio­nists — they elected a Republican outsider to shake things up.

Biden’s alternativ­e may be to keep the door to bipartisan cooperatio­n open while relentless­ly pursuing a popular agenda, with or without help from across the aisle. That may mean using reconcilia­tion here. It may mean ending the filibuster later. The New York Times writer Ezra Klein has advocated for that, noting that even if the tactic fails politicall­y, and the Democrats lose control of the Senate in the midterm election, at least they will have delivered some of their promises and, according to their own policy goals, made the country a better place.

It may even turn out that acting on popular policy goals rather than compromisi­ng them away would achieve a kind of unity — or at least broader cross-partisan popularity outside the walls of Congress. Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain suggested as much Tuesday, tweeting, “This IS a bipartisan agenda,” with a link to a poll showing Biden’s policy priorities have strong public support.

In a way, something similar was the solution for Bill Murray’s character in “Groundhog Day” — he kept reliving the same enraging day until he realized he might as well spend it trying to do as much good as he could, using knowledge gained through frustratin­g experience to develop skills and put them to use helping those around him.

Which seems like a more productive plot twist to emulate than the one in “Snow Day,” in which the guy responsibl­e for returning things to normal is captured, and his hard work undone to prolong a societal shutdown. The latter is more like the ending Washington is used to. But on a snowy Groundhog Day, it seemed possible the familiar scenario might for once lead to a different conclusion.

 ?? CHIP SOMODEVILL­A GETTY IMAGES ?? Republican senators leave the West Wing where they had proposed a scaled-down COVID aid package on Monday.
CHIP SOMODEVILL­A GETTY IMAGES Republican senators leave the West Wing where they had proposed a scaled-down COVID aid package on Monday.
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