Toronto Star

U.K., EU to meet in bid to calm Irish trade turbulence

Border between republic, Northern Ireland could upset delicate peace


LONDON—Breaking up is proving hard to do for Britain and the European Union, whose divorce deal is in choppy waters just six weeks after the U.K. made its economic split from the bloc.

European Commission Vice-President Maros Sefcovic arrived in London Thursday to meet with U.K. Brexit Minister Michael Gove and try to smooth out the problems, but few expect a quick resolution.

The turbulence centres on Northern Ireland, whose complex status has been one of the trickiest issues in the U.K.-EU divorce.

Michel Barnier, the bloc’s chief negotiator during years of Brexit talks, said both sides “must be conscious of their responsibi­lities” to Northern Ireland.

“The situation has never been easy in Ireland and everything is complex,” he said at a European business summit on Thursday. “I recommend personally to everybody on both sides to be responsibl­e and take care.”

Since Britain left the EU’s economic structures on Dec. 31, goods moving between the U.K. and the bloc have faced customs and veterinary checks under the terms of a new trade deal. Checks have also been imposed on some British goods going to Northern Ireland because it shares a border with EU member-state Ireland.

Northern Ireland authoritie­s halted veterinary checks and withdrew border staff from ports for several days this month after threatenin­g graffiti appeared referring to port workers as targets.

The sensitivit­y of Northern Ireland’s status was underscore­d this month when the EU briefly threatened to ban shipments of coronaviru­s vaccines to Northern Ireland amid a dispute with Anglo-Swedish drugmaker AstraZenec­a.

The EU quickly dropped the idea after British, Irish and Northern Ireland politician­s expressed alarm. But Britain has seized on the gaffe to accuse the EU of underminin­g the Brexit divorce agreement.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokespers­on, Jamie Davies, said the bloc’s move had caused “shock and anger” in Northern Ireland. He said there was a need “to take urgent steps to restore confidence as a result.”

The U.K. wants the EU to take a more light-touch approach to border checks, which have already led to shortages and delays in getting some goods to Northern Ireland. Britain has asked for short-term grace periods extended until at least 2023.

The EU says some economic friction is the inevitable outcome of Britain’s decision to leave the bloc’s single market and customs union, and insists the Northern Ireland Protocol can’t be significan­tly renegotiat­ed.

In a letter to Gove before their meeting, Sefcovic pointed to “shortcomin­gs” in Britain’s implementa­tion of the agreement, saying border facilities were fully up and running and only limited checks were taking place.

Irish Prime Minister Micheal Martin urged both sides to “dial down the rhetoric.”

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