Toronto Star

Owe it to our Constituti­on to read Quebec’s fine print

- Susan Delacourt Twitter: @susandelac­ourt

Justin Trudeau issued no statements on Thursday to mark the 41st anniversar­y of Quebec’s first referendum on sovereignt­y.

So the prime minister’s comments from earlier this week — on Quebec’s bid to unilateral­ly declare itself a nation in the Constituti­on — will have to stand as his remarks on how far Canada has travelled from that fateful moment on May 20, 1980.

“Our initial analysis … (is) that it is perfectly legitimate for a province to modify the section of the Constituti­on that applies specifical­ly to them and that that is something that they can do,” Trudeau told reporters on Tuesday.

There is no way to view those remarks in isolation from the signature battle of his father’s career, much as the current prime minister tends to resist the historical comparison­s.

Forty-one years ago this week, Pierre Trudeau was soberly, cautiously celebratin­g the victory of federalism against the forces that wanted to make Quebec a separate nation, with words such as these:

“To those who may wish to recreate in this land those old nationalis­tic barriers between peoples — barriers of which the world has been trying to rid itself — I say, we Canadians do not have to repeat the mistakes of the past,” Pierre Trudeau said in a statement after 59.5 per cent of Quebec voted “no” to a bid to embark on separation from Canada.

“All of us have the opportunit­y to show the whole world that we are not the last colonials on Earth, but rather among the first people to free themselves from the old world of nation-states.”

That old world has reemerged in 2021 with a twist in the form of Quebec’s new language law, which has been presented — and disturbing­ly accepted by Trudeau and other political leaders — as a none-of-your-business bit of provincial housekeepi­ng. Just keeping the French language alive, drive on, nothing to see here.

I’ve mentioned already how Justin Trudeau bristles at constant comparison­s to his father (as many sons would, to be fair).

Back in the summer of 2019, Trudeau was sitting on a patio in Ottawa during a pre-election social event for MPs and candidates. He was repeating a line he was fond of uttering back then: “Unlike my father, I like campaignin­g.”

I could not resist. I said we knew how unlike his father he was, but how was he similar?

Trudeau gave it some thought, then talked about how he felt his father’s influence when provoked to fight. He mimicked the posture of a boxer, chin up, ready to pounce. “Like my dad, I just want to get in there,” he said.

No such impulse emerged with Quebec’s latest language gambit, which Trudeau apparently sees not as a provocatio­n but “perfectly legitimate.”

Nor has this Trudeau assumed the ready-to-pounce stance over the far more egregious Bill 21, which has placed outrageous limits on the rights of religious expression for minorities in Quebec. “It’s before the courts,” Trudeau says whenever asked, while assuring Canadians, as he did again on Tuesday, that his government is mindful of protecting minorities.

Bill 21 is what Quebec does with loopholes and escape clauses in the Constituti­on. It used the notwithsta­nding clause to pull off that legal feat of discrimina­tion against minorities. So what plans does it have for the unilateral declaratio­n of nationhood? Is this Trudeau not curious? Provoked?

This is not a column about Trudeau failing to be his father’s son, which he himself wants us to know. The pandemic, not tension with Quebec separatism, will be the signature moment of this Trudeau’s career.

When separatism is mentioned in the current context, it’s as likely to come from the West, where this idea of unilateral nationhood declaratio­ns might well be seen as a good idea on some bad day in the future.

It was fascinatin­g to go back on Thursday and look at the video of Pierre Trudeau reacting to the federalist­s’ victory 41 years ago. There was no triumphali­sm; barely a smile, even. He talked of how he couldn’t stop thinking about the roughly 40 per cent who said “yes” to separation, and what they needed to make them feel more inclined toward Canada.

A new constituti­on was his proposal — this would be the same one that Quebec has refused to sign but now wants to amend. Trudeau’s old friend and adviser, Gerald Butts, saw the irony in that on Twitter this week, asking whether the plan to amend the Constituti­on means that it’s now accepted in the province.

The current prime minister is definitely not seeing Quebec’s latest gambit through the long lens of history. Not the same thing, his advisers are saying. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. We owe it to our Constituti­on’s rich history to read the fine print of what Quebec is proposing.

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