Toronto Star



What activities are helping you feel a sense of normalcy this spring?

“With my son doing school online and me working from home, I feel it’s important that we take time away from our computers to get exercise and fresh air. Our eyes need a break from the screen, our bodies need the movement. Spending time together, exercising and being outdoors helps us feel better and sleep better.”

When you do go out, what items do you always carry with you?

“I always carry extra masks with me, hand sanitizer and Clorox On-The-Go Disinfecti­ng Wipes to use on shopping carts or any other high-touch hard surfaces that I may encounter. I like to be prepared. Although grocery stores and other essential businesses are disinfecti­ng commonly touched hard surfaces, I don’t like to rely on it.”

Given the results of Clorox’s survey, what would you like people to know about disinfecti­ng?

“We’re all eager to get back to normal, but understand­ably Canadians are concerned about doing it safely. The survey revealed that over half of Canadians are uncomforta­ble with how hard surfaces in public spaces are disinfecte­d. This is especially a concern for women. I think we will feel better by literally taking matters into our own hands and disinfecti­ng surfaces that we come in contact with.”

Can you share any common disinfecti­ng misconcept­ions?

“Disinfecti­ng is different from cleaning: Cleaning involves physically removing dirt and germs—washing your hands, wiping the table—while disinfecti­ng uses chemicals to kill germs. These products are assessed for safety and efficacy and approved by Health Canada. Keep in mind that products used to disinfect hard non-porous surfaces are not recommende­d to be used on the skin or ingested. All disinfecta­nts are not created equal: they vary in ingredient­s, strength and efficacy. It’s important to read the label carefully and look for a product that can ‘kill 99.99% of viruses and bacteria.’”

What’s an everyday activity you can’t wait to do?

“Getting together with friends, having a few laughs and hugging.”

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