Toronto Star

Voters deserve clearer answers from leaders on vaccinatio­n passports,

- Susan Delacourt Twitter: @susandelac­ourt

Finally, it’s here: the great Canadian election debate over vaccinatio­n passports. Well, maybe it’s the beginning of one.

Just short of two weeks into the campaign, divisions have emerged between three main parties on the question of what kind of vaccinatio­n proof is going to get Canadians past the pandemic. At this stage, the choice appears to boil down to this: one passport for the nation, many different versions or none at all.

Justin Trudeau is in the “many” camp. The Liberals have now rolled out a proposed “proof of vaccinatio­n fund” for provinces to come up with their own systems of immunizati­on ID. It’s not the pan-Canadian vaccinatio­n card that could be a political asset to Trudeau at this point in the election, but it is in keeping with his standard approach to COVID-19 relief: Ottawa pays, the provinces play.

It was left to New Democratic Party Leader Jagmeet Singh to champion one national vaccine passport. “I think the federal government should just do it,” Singh told reporters on Friday. “Wouldn’t it be easier to just have one central document that we get from the federal government and we can use in any province we travel to?” The practical details of this plan were not immediatel­y revealed by Singh.

Conservati­ve Leader Erin O’Toole, however, had even less to say about vaccinatio­n passports altogether. “If the provinces make decisions on proof of vaccinatio­ns, vaccine passports, we will support and respect what the provinces decide to do,” O’Toole said. That is not a position on vaccine passports. It is more of an evasion for now.

So here’s another way to draw some lines around the three leaders’ opening positions on vaccinatio­n passports: NDP, easy to say; Liberals, hard to do; Conservati­ves, hard to say.

The Canadian public is having an increasing­ly important conversati­on about whether vaccinatio­n passports would be practical — and it’s a conversati­on that should be finding its way into a serious federal election debate. In fact, the public and businesses may be out ahead of the politician­s on this one, as people wrestle with how to navigate their way between the vaccinated and the unvaccinat­ed. For months, polls have been showing increasing approval for vaccinatio­n passports, which is creating a demand for some kind of proof of vaccinatio­n in all walks of life.

In Ottawa, where I live, the idea of provinces going their own ways in issuing vaccinatio­n proof is a messy prospect, given how many people cross back and forth between Quebec and Ontario every day. Perhaps that’s one reason why Doug Ford held out for so long against some kind of certificat­es for Ontarians.

Trudeau clearly relishes the prospect of painting Conservati­ves — whether it’s Ford or O’Toole — as passport-hesitant, which he equates with vaccine hesitancy and resistance to science in general. The Liberal leader has been shadowed on the road by an obnoxious group of anti-vaxxers who shout racist remarks, and Trudeau doesn’t mind being seen on the opposite side of that particular­ly toxic bundle of intoleranc­e.

The problem with the vaccinatio­n-proof fund is that it’s absolutely invisible to average voters. As I and others have argued, a national passport would be something tangible to connect citizens to what Ottawa has done on the pandemic front.

Retired general Rick Hillier, formerly head of Ford’s vaccine task force, complained Friday on CBC Radio that Trudeau’s government was “too bureaucrat­ic.” He was talking about the Canadian efforts in crumbling Afghanista­n, but the criticism touches more largely on why the Liberals are having trouble making themselves heard in this election. A vaccinatio­n-passport fund. Too bureaucrat­ic, maybe?

After six years in government, Liberals know that they can’t just go out on the road and blue-sky about a national vaccinatio­n passport, as Singh did on Friday. Nor can Trudeau just say the provinces can go their own way, without any details on Ottawa’s role in the passport debate, as O’Toole has.

But “it’s complicate­d” doesn’t make for a lively or creative discussion about what the post-pandemic future looks like — which is supposed to be the point of this election.

Vaccinatio­ns are part of that immediate future and perhaps this emerging discussion on passports — one, many or none at all — may give Canadians some clue about why we’re in a campaign now. A debate over mandatory vaccinatio­ns might have done that too, but it too got bogged down in complicati­ons and non-answers all around in the opening days of the campaign.

The first leaders’ TV debate is less than a week away. The unfolding discussion about vaccinatio­n passports might be a hint for where the debate could get interestin­g.

 ?? GRAHAM HUGHES THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? A passport would be a tangible connection for citizens to what Ottawa has done on the pandemic front, Susan Delacourt writes.
GRAHAM HUGHES THE CANADIAN PRESS A passport would be a tangible connection for citizens to what Ottawa has done on the pandemic front, Susan Delacourt writes.
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