Toronto Star

Afghanista­n faces an exodus of talent

Wealth of skills, expertise that has fled is staggering, erasing gains of 20 years


KABUL, AFGHANISTA­N—One is a journalist with an internatio­nal news agency. Another works with a nongovernm­ental aid organizati­on developing rural communitie­s. A third is an artist who found inspiratio­n at home in Kabul.

None of them wanted to go. Now, all are trying to leave or have already left Afghanista­n, joining a brain drain of such grave proportion­s that even the Taliban, faced with running one of the world’s poorest countries, has taken notice with dismay. The exodus of talent further erases what little gains were made in America’s 20year experiment in nation building — paid for in blood and billions in cash — at a time when the country’s future is in flux.

“We’re losing the best. The consequenc­es will be huge for the country,” said Alias Wardak, a senior adviser on energy and water to the Afghan Finance Ministry, who has divided his time between Afghanista­n and Germany over the last decade working on developmen­t projects.

Many of his colleagues are still in Afghanista­n, Wardak said. Though they want to stay, some are in hiding from the Taliban. Every call he gets is someone crying, devastated over what might come next. He has set up a six-person team of facilitato­rs helping people fill out and submit immigratio­n forms. On Wednesday alone, he fielded 800 requests for assistance.

“If someone calls you and there’s an opportunit­y (to leave), we’re not in a position to convince them to stay. But on the other hand, what will happen to this country? Who will work in the administra­tion? In the private sector?” Wardak said, speaking from his home in Germany.

“They will go to the West. Their family will be safe and they will have their life. But how many can be evacuated? We still have over 30 million Afghans who have to stay. What is the solution for them?“

Since the Taliban’s rapid-fire takeover of Kabul on Aug. 15, thousands of Afghans, with the group’s brutal rule in the 1990s in mind, have massed at the capital’s airport, cajoling, pleading, fighting and even dying to get onto evacuation flights out of the country.

On Thursday, scores of people were killed — including 13 U.S. service personnel — in a bomb attack outside the airport. The Afghan affiliate of Islamic State claimed responsibi­lity for the attack.

The U.S. airlift has continued, with more than 100,000 foreigners and their Afghan allies evacuated so far. But tens of thousands of Afghans at potential risk under an Islamic fundamenta­list Taliban regime remain, and no one expects they will be spirited to safety before the U.S. and NATO’s scheduled withdrawal Tuesday.

The wealth of skills and expertise that has already fled with those who have gotten out is staggering, said Zulaikha Aziz, co-director of the Afghanista­n Project at Berkeley Law School, a pro bono program offering legal support to Afghans inside and outside the country.

“Colleagues who are legal scholars, women’s rights activists who have PhD’s in constituti­onal reform — the real brain hub of Afghanista­n,” she said. “These are folks who never had ambitions to come to the U.S. or go to Europe, but now they fear for their lives and their ability to go on with the work to which they’re dedicated.”

One of them is Rada Akbar, a photograph­er and visual artist. With the U.S. withdrawal looming, she had been arranging for months for some of her artwork to be sent to France. As the Taliban scythed through city after city at the beginning of August, French diplomats suggested they give her a visa as well. She assumed she would be gone for only a few weeks.

When the Taliban breached Kabul, she rushed to the French Embassy and spent two panicfille­d days there as plans to evacuate to the airport by helicopter fell through. It took an escort of French special forces in a convoy of 15 minibuses and more than eight armoured cars to get Akbar and others out. As they drove through the streets, Akbar was in shock.

“To see Taliban in Kabul, it was such a violation. They killed so many people in that city. Every corner you just remember there was a bomb blast here, an attack there,” she said. “And now they have everything. It’s us who lost.”

When she landed in Paris a few days later, Akbar burst into tears.

“I was searching for the mountains,” she said, recalling the view of the majestic Hindu Kush that arriving passengers see as they descend to Kabul’s airport.

Still stuck in Kabul on Wednesday was Fuad, a protection adviser to an NGO doing community-level advocacy work. He asked that only his first name be used for safety reasons.

With a backpack on his shoulder and one of his young daughters in tow, he braved crowds, an overflowin­g sewage canal that turned the street into a fetid river, and AK-47-toting Taliban fighters to reach the airport’s East Gate. An underbrush of discarded clothing and plastic bottles stretched from the cement barrier to a line of concertina wire.

U.S. troops arrayed above the barriers wearily called out, “Go away! Go to Abbey Gate!” to anyone who approached, referring to an alternate entrance that became the scene of major carnage in Thursday’s bombing. When more emphasis was needed, the troops shouted or raised their shotguns.

“We were working to protect civilians from the warring parties,” Fuad said. “Now we are looking for protection. It’s very strange.”

Unlike many around him, he had permission to go and was hoping the Americans had made arrangemen­ts to bring him inside. He gave up hours later and went home.

“I won’t try again. Our chance of being killed by the Taliban [here] is less” than at the airport, he said, adding that his employer was looking for other solutions.

“It’s difficult to take the decision to go into the crowd with your seven-month-old kid, but it means there’s a reason why we are leaving. I love my country, but when you don’t have a future there, you have to leave.”

It isn’t the first time Afghanista­n has lost some of its best and brightest. Indeed, before the current exodus, more than 40 years of almost uninterrup­ted warfare turned Afghans into the second-largest refugee population in the world, with some 2.5 million registered with the United Nations’ refugee agency. The real number is likely to be many times that.

 ?? OLIVIER MATTHYS THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? People disembark from an Air Belgium chartered plane, carrying passengers as part of an evacuation from Afghanista­n, upon arrival Friday at Melsbroek Military Airport in Belgium.
OLIVIER MATTHYS THE ASSOCIATED PRESS People disembark from an Air Belgium chartered plane, carrying passengers as part of an evacuation from Afghanista­n, upon arrival Friday at Melsbroek Military Airport in Belgium.

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