Toronto Star

Canada can still help Afghan women.

- Martin Regg Cohn Twitter: @reggcohn

Who lost Afghanista­n?

Not Canadians. No, not even Americans.

Afghans “lost” Afghanista­n to the Taliban.

Yet you wouldn’t know it from all the anguished Canadian laments, uttered in lockstep with American breast-beating over the fall of Kabul interspers­ed with orations about declining U.S. military might and fading Canadian resolve.

Even by asking the question — who lost Afghanista­n? — we betray our historical amnesia and geopolitic­al pretension­s, echoing the 1950s-era Washington witch-hunt over “who lost China.” Afghanista­n never was “ours” to lose — not America’s to surrender, nor Canada’s to coddle.

So too the endless secondgues­sing about an improvised — and therefore imperfect — humanitari­an evacuation: It is easy to criticize an airborne exit on the fly, yet any flight plan will appear chaotic amid capitulati­on on the ground.

This wasn’t an exit strategy gone awry, it was exit tactics bereft of strategy. In truth, this was a war without end — only endless losses.

Canada came to U.S. aid in Afghanista­n’s hour of need. But then-prime minister Stephen Harper soon realized the limits of power and the lessons of history, withdrawin­g the last Canadian combat troops a decade ago, and the last military trainers seven years ago.

When Canadians wag their fingers at Americans for following in our footsteps — retreating, in fact, in our footsteps — we are in no position to preach. When anti-war activists demand that western troops keep pacifying Afghanista­n, that we might evacuate all those in need — including those who helped us when we needed it most — they are in no position to moralize.

When nation-building democrats argue that we have abandoned the women of Afghanista­n to their Taliban persecutor­s, they have a point — but they also miss the broader point: Canada’s exit strategy was to tutor Afghan troops in the exigencies of war and the urgencies of defence — with an emphasis on self-defence.

The onus was on Afghans to stand their ground and fight their own battles, using the tools and guns and aid they were given. Instead, they gave those arms away, gave way to the conquerors and ran for cover — or fled the country.

That so many more wanted to follow them out of Afghanista­n is only human nature. But after all the sacrifices made by Canadian soldiers and diplomats in the field, and all the blood and treasure expended by Americans over two decades, it defies credulity and reality to demand more, as recent events reminded us in the desperatio­n of evacuation.

The suicide/homicide bombing that claimed the lives of at least 169 civilians and 13 U.S. troops was big news, but one of hundreds of such attacks to befall the country every year. And the pre-emptive drone strike launched against another suspected suicide bomber may have been a case of mistaken identity — the only certainty being the ambiguity of such attacks over the past two decades, with untold civilian deaths chalked up as innocent collateral damage in pursuit of terrorist targets.

The problem is not so much that the West lost the war on terror as that it got bogged down in a civil war — with only one side displaying the patience to wait it out and fight it out. We were just passing through, with no one to pass the baton to.

An earlier evacuation of Afghans would only have telegraphe­d that the experiment was already over, triggering a full-blown panic and premature collapse of the country. There is no easy way to withdraw, for it is always a balancing act that sometimes succeeds but usually fails.

Those who mourn the Taliban conquest today would have been even more critical if the Americans had set off the process four months earlier by announcing that all was lost. There was at least an arguable case that 300,000 troops in uniform, armed with the latest American equipment, could fend off Taliban irregulars and protect all 39 million Afghans rather than forsaking them without a fight and rescuing only the favoured few.

To expect more Americans troops to risk their lives propping up a failed experiment was a non-starter in the end. That Afghanista­n collapsed in a matter of days is not a condemnati­on but a validation of the U.S. withdrawal.

And yet some Canadians, or many of our commentato­rs, have been caught up in the American debate. We are not part of that failed power play because we haven’t been players in Afghanista­n for years.

A better question is how we can help going forward, rather than looking backward at an evacuation beyond our control. We cannot rescue an entire country, but we can help those who need it most — not least the women of Afghanista­n.

Having interviewe­d Taliban leaders and fighters two decades ago on my trips to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanista­n, I saw up close their disinteres­t in dissenting views over women’s rights. Today, amid their triumphal return, the women of Afghanista­n are risking their lives to be liberated.

A declaratio­n from Canada (and other like-minded countries) offering sanctuary to any Afghan woman would send a fresh signal to the new regime before it reverts to its old ways. The idea of unconditio­nal refugee status for all women — on grounds of presumed persecutio­n — might be more political than practical, but fear of losing so many females might yet put the fear of God into all those Taliban terrorists, terrified of being left behind by the women they want to keep down.

No, Canadians did not lose Afghanista­n. Yet we can still help Afghan women find their way.

 ?? AAMIR QURESHI AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? A declaratio­n from Canada offering sanctuary to any Afghan woman would send a fresh signal to the new Taliban regime before it reverts to its old ways, Martin Regg Cohn writes.
AAMIR QURESHI AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES A declaratio­n from Canada offering sanctuary to any Afghan woman would send a fresh signal to the new Taliban regime before it reverts to its old ways, Martin Regg Cohn writes.
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