Toronto Star

Amid fourth wave, Ontario post-secondary schools grapple with tide of parties

Institutio­ns warn against large gatherings as classes resume


As Ontario college and university students head to campus during a fourth wave of COVID-19, their schools, public health units, cities and police services are grappling with how to keep massive parties at bay.

In-person classes are resuming this year at campuses across the province, and videos and pictures posted to social media show large and raucous street parties.

Bylaw officers in Kingston were at several parties over the long Labour Day weekend with crowds they estimated at between 3,500 to 5,000 people. In addition to the usual public intoxicati­on, open liquor and noise complaint charges and fines, 11 people were issued court summons for violating Ontario’s gathering restrictio­ns.

In Step 3 of the provinces reopening plan, gatherings of up to 100 people outside and 25 people inside are allowed.

Kingston’s police chief said there is a concerning trend of unlawful, high-risk gatherings.

“Such disrespect for the rights of others is unconscion­able,” Chief Antje McNeely said. “Besides putting everyone in our community at risk with the COVID virus still very much a concern, the invasion of our streets and parks by irresponsi­ble revellers shows a disappoint­ing lack of maturity.”

Queen’s University’s principal and Alma Mater Society president issued a joint admonishme­nt to students about the large gatherings that have been happening around the campus.

“This is a flagrant disregard for public health and for the law of our province,” they wrote, saying such gatherings could jeopardize the academic year.

“We have come so far and it would be a travesty if we could not get back to what we have all been waiting for so very long. Universiti­es are for learning.”

Western University is also warning its students that large gatherings could put the entire year in jeopardy.

“We want to be clear: if this activity continues, the academic year we have so carefully planned will not happen,” the university’s president and head of the student council wrote in a joint statement.

“In-person learning with fellow students, interactio­n with professors, extracurri­cular activities, athletics and all the things that make your student experience great will be lost.”

The Middlesex-London Health Unit said it is working with local operators and facilities “frequented by post-secondary students” to ensure compliance with capacity limits.

Police in London have launched Project LEARN — standing for Liquor Enforcemen­t and Reduction of Noise — which they have done since 2007 in response to community concerns that arise when students return en masse to the city. This year, they say it’s also important to strike a balance between having a good time and following public health guidelines during the fourth wave of COVID-19.

The president of Wilfrid Laurier University also issued a plea to students who participat­ed in gatherings that were “in flagrant violation of Ontario’s public health measures.”

Police and Laurier’s special constable service are going through video footage and anyone identified could face suspension or expulsion from the university, as well as fines under the Reopening Ontario Act and criminal charges related to some vandalism, said Deborah MacLatchy.

“We are still in the midst of a global health crisis,” she wrote.

“Reckless behaviour will not be tolerated as it is putting the most vulnerable in our community at risk and tarnishing the reputation of students and our university.”

Ontario reported 554 new cases of COVID-19 Wednesday, and 16 more deaths — though five of those deaths occurred more than two months ago.

Health Minister Christine Elliott said of those new cases, 418 are either in people not fully vaccinated or their vaccinatio­n status isn’t known.

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