Toronto Star

Anti-vax protesters could protest many other things, too


Re Anti-vaxxers protest at police HQ, Sept. 3

To those protesting at outdoor political meetings, outside politician­s’ homes and at hospitals, why are you not protesting long-standing, real restrictio­ns on personal freedom?

The law says we must have a driver’s licence before we can drive a car, that we must use a seat-belt when driving and obey speed limit laws. I say let’s protest against these unfair interferen­ces with our freedom.

Think of all the other restrictio­ns we suffer such as not being able to buy liquor under the age of 19, having to go to school until a certain age, or having to undergo years of schooling to practise as a doctor or dentist.

Why not gather to shout outside Ministry of Transport offices, police stations, city halls? Wesley Turner, St. Catharines, Ont.

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