Toronto Star

Protesters don’t understand real danger COVID presents


Re Dozens of protesters target Toronto hospital to protest vaccine mandates after ‘silent vigil’ in Queen’s Park, Sept. 13

Reading about the anti-vaxxers protesting outside the Toronto General Hospital and Queen’s Park leads me to wonder : If they believe they should have the right to fly on an airplane, go to a restaurant or even go to hospital, then do I have the right to ask a nurse before tending to me if they have been vaccinated or to ask a police officer stopping me at a random check, if they have been vaccinated?

I contracted COVID-19 this past spring, as did my wife. I can tell everyone that without a doubt, COVID is real. I lost my wife to this awful virus after she spent five weeks in ICU; I survived but was quite ill for two-to-three weeks.

Protesters at Queen’s Park included nurses, police officers and firefighte­rs. After what I have been through, I don’t want any of them anywhere near me.

Len Mills, Scarboroug­h

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