Toronto Star

Biden’s mandate smacks of an authoritar­ian agenda


Re Sweeping new vaccine mandates for 100 million Americans, Sept. 9

If U.S. President Joe Biden was as angry at the Taliban as he is at the 80 million people he said are still unvaccinat­ed, the Taliban never would have held Americans hostage in Afghanista­n.

All things considered, it appears as though Biden is suffering from a case of displaced anger. The person Biden should be angry at is himself, for causing two humanitari­an crises — one in Afghanista­n and one at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But in the meantime, mandating COVID-19 vaccines is as destructiv­e as it is asinine. We are not a one-size-fits-all world. What about those who are medically unable to tolerate the vaccine? And what about choice and privacy? JoAnn Lee Frank, Clearwater, Fla.

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