Toronto Star

Loaded Quebec question was campaign’s tipping point


It’s a refrain heard during every election: polls have too much influence and should be banned, as some disinform more than inform.

The debate about the impact of scientific polls and their interpreta­tion have on voters won’t soon be resolved. But one thing is clear in this campaign in search of a ballot question: a pollster’s question asked during a leaders’ debate few watched in Quebec changed the course of this election in Canada.

Most market researcher­s are familiar with Heisenberg’s uncertaint­y principle, also commonly referred to as the observer effect. German physicist Werner Heisenberg proved that you can know the position or the motion of a particle, but not both at the same time. Every attempt to know these features somehow alters the particle. The measuremen­t tools themselves introduce changes in the subject. In surveys, the question itself and the way it is phrased can introduce new thoughts in the respondent’s mind.

It did not immediatel­y happen on Sept. 9 during the opening of the English language debate, when pollster-turnedmode­rator Shachi Kurl asked this question to Bloc Québécois Leader YvesFranço­is Blanchet: “You denied that Quebec has problems with racism, yet you defend legislatio­n such as bills 96 and 21, which marginaliz­e religious minorities, anglophone­s and allophones. Quebec is recognized as a distinct society but for those outside the province, please help them understand why your party also supports these discrimina­tory laws?”

Blanchet’s reaction was swift, while the other leaders stayed silent until the next day. Few in Quebec were watching the debate following the two French debates. And the question wasn’t asked directly to Quebec voters. However, Heisenberg’s uncertaint­y principle had its full effect in the following days. The always delicate issue of identity became a galvanizin­g ballot question in Quebec. One that nationalis­ts — not just ardent Bloc Québécois supporters — made sure was amplified and remained top of mind for the remainder of the campaign. The message was clear and potent: Quebecers were attacked by the rest of Canada for their discrimina­tory laws.

The Bloc leader, who until then had run a lacklustre campaign and was increasing­ly seen as arrogant and out of touch, was given a gift from heaven. One he desperatel­y needed after Quebec Premier François Legault all but endorsed Conservati­ve Leader Erin O’Toole. Legault added fuel to the fire calling this an “attack on all Quebecers” — an odd choice of words that made headlines on 9/11. Le Journal de Montréal, Québec’s most-read newspaper, kept the story alive and made sure Quebecers would not soon forget the insult.

In a province known for its fickle voters, the impact on voting intentions was significan­t and immediate.

According to the CBC’s Poll Tracker, from the start of the campaign to the eve of the English debate, the Bloc’s support among Quebec voters had dropped from 28 to 25 per cent. On Sept. 16, it was back up to 28 per cent.

In a stunning example of the sort of interferen­ce critics say polls can have, Le Journal de Montréal published the results of a Léger poll on Wednesday under the headline “the return of the two solitudes.” The findings show that 65 per cent of Quebecers feel the question asked was inappropri­ate, while 69 per cent of Canadians living outside Quebec feel it was appropriat­e. The conclusion: Quebec bashing is real and the rest of Canada does not understand nor accept Quebecers’ need to protect the French language. The implicatio­n: send a clear message to the other solitude by voting for the one party whose leader defended Quebec when attacked.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau called an election hoping for a majority fuelled by increased seats in Quebec. O’Toole made a “contract” with Quebec as the necessary path to forming the government. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh tried to start another orange wave among young voters. The Bloc wasn’t going to play spoiler until the stars aligned that night in Gatineau, when a question in English triggered dormant thoughts in voters’ minds.

No wonder all leaders are now asking the consortium for a formal apology.

 ??  ?? Éric Blais is the president of Headspace Marketing in Toronto and is a frequent commentato­r on political marketing.
Éric Blais is the president of Headspace Marketing in Toronto and is a frequent commentato­r on political marketing.

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