Toronto Star

Vax status of over 1,500 Hamilton staff unknown

Municipal employees can opt for regular testing and continue to work


More than 1,500 City of Hamilton workers are unwilling to divulge their COVID vaccinatio­n status to the municipali­ty despite a Nov. 1 deadline to show proof of two shots.

A majority of workers who refused to say if they’ve got the shot also chose to skip a mandatory education session required under Hamilton’s contentiou­s vaccinatio­n policy. Just 313 employees have tuned in so far.

But unlike in Toronto — where city workers risk being fired if they refuse the jab — Hamilton hopes to avoid staff shortages or widespread discipline by offering reluctant workers the alternativ­e of regular COVID tests, instead.

“If you choose not to get vaccinated, or choose not to disclose your status, then you will be subject to rapid tests … likely at least twice a week for full-time employees,” said human resource head Lora Fontana in an interview this week.

“If you can provide proof of a negative test, you can go (to work).”

By contrast, in Toronto, workers must show proof of vaccinatio­n by the start of November or face suspension — and possible firing after a final December deadline. That is already prompting fears of staff shortages at the city and its transit commission.

Fontana said Hamilton is not threatenin­g to fire unvaccinat­ed workers — but if they refuse both the shot and mandatory COVID rapid tests that would begin Nov. 1, they would be banned from city property. “Those employees would not be allowed to attend their workplace and they would likely be subject to an unpaid leave of absence at that point,” she said.

As of last week, more than 6,000 municipal workers — about 80 per cent — had disclosed their vaccinatio­n status to the city.

That includes 5,609 fully vaccinated workers and 172 with one shot so far. (Police are excluded from that number.) First responders are among the most vaccinated city employees — which is not surprising, since paramedics and police face additional provincial requiremen­ts around COVID inoculatio­n.

About 96 per cent of paramedics have got the jab, while 91 per cent of Hamilton police employees had reported vaccinatio­n status.

Spokespers­on Jackie Penman said that number would likely rise because responses were still being collected.

About 78 per cent of firefighte­rs have reported their shot status, with virtually all those reporting a double jab.

By contrast, only 62 per cent of public works employees have revealed their COVID vaccine status.

The biggest mystery remains in the transit department, where only 39 per cent of HSR drivers have disclosed their status to the city.

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