Toronto Star

Divided Conservati­ves a losing propositio­n

- Robin V. Sears columnist for the Star. Follow him on Twitter: @robinvsear­s

Erin O’Toole dodged a bullet last week in getting safely through his first postelecti­on caucus. If history is any guide, the Conservati­ve leader will soon need to duck many more.

Since the dawn of Confederat­ion, Canadian conservati­ves can point to only three periods of undisputed political success, in government.: Sir John A. Macdonald, 18 years; Brian Mulroney, nine years; and Stephen Harper nearly 10 years.

Some would want to add Robert Borden, R.B. Bennett, and Dief to the list of successes, but the first almost split the country over conscripti­on, Bennett badly bungled the Depression, and John Diefenbake­r’s shambolic governing style squandered the largest political majority ever won.

While each of the top three Tory administra­tions achieved great political and some policy success, they each ended in massive defeats and serious risk of party meltdown.

Liberals are the standouts in managing leadership, party and government for nearly two-thirds of the years since Confederat­ion. Why? For most of the period of Liberal success, one could argue that the values of Canadian conservati­ves were far closer to those of most English Canadian voters, and even to a substantia­l portion of Quebec.

Indeed, the Liberals were whispered about by their Tory opponents across Canada, as being in thrall to Quebec, the Catholic Church, and corrupt city bosses and business leaders both in Quebec, Ontario and Vancouver. The slurs were not entirely made up.

So, why have the Tories been such abject failures at winning majority power across Canada. The answer is being played out in front of our eyes again this week.


The Conservati­ves are the sole Canadian political family that does not seem to understand the devastatin­g cost of being seen to be a squabbling collection of bitterly opposed factions. The NDP and the Liberals have had their internal splits, but rarely. The essentiali­ty of public party unity can be summed up in the streeter reporters have collected for generation­s, “Well, if she can’t even hold her own party together, why in God’s name would we put the future of Canada in her hands…?”

Curiously, having governed for much of Canada’s history by placing party unity and loyalty over principle and policy, as the iron law of Canadian Liberalism, the Liberal Party once fell into the blackhole of bloody and debilitati­ng civil war, shortly after John Turner’s defeat by Mulroney. Their party-wrecking foolishnes­s only died down after Paul Martin’s self-inflicted defeat a generation later.

The young party dons who coalesced around Justin Trudeau were a next generation to their feuding elders, determined not to fall back into their civil war. Wisely, they returned to the Liberal orthodoxy of their grandparen­ts and made unity and loyalty the central pillar of their operating strategy.

Sadly, by the time of their near defeat two years ago, that conviction had once again been replaced by an iron fist at the centre, explosive defections, and the resurgence of an arrogant leadership style. That slide probably means that when Trudeau falls, the bloodshed will return. There are deep resentment­s in the caucus and the party base at their often cavalier treatment by PMO enforcers. We shall see.

The CCF and the New Democrats had two existentia­l unity crises. One waged with Communists trying to take over local party organizati­ons and drive their ideologica­l stance into party policy. After years of bloody struggle, David Lewis was able to drive them from the temple.

The second crisis came with the Waffle in the ’70s and their cousins in the Trotskyite and pro-Marxian New Left organizati­ons drawing on the vigour and support of their American cousins. David’s son Stephen engineered the second anti-infiltrati­on attempt, again, not without bloodshed.

Each battle for party unity was won on one overarchin­g wise precept and battle-hardened understand­ing, “Unity is for the party, and to the faith of our supporters, survival. Debate, dissent, heated battles are part of our DNA. Loyalty to the ideals and agenda of external political organizati­ons is therefore forbidden.”

Next week, I’ll offer suggestion­s of how to build a better leadership selection contest, what policies are needed and which must go, and on that foundation how to build a more unified and electable political party.

Robin V. Sears was an NDP strategist for 20 years and later served as a communicat­ions adviser to businesses and government­s on three continents. He is a freelance contributi­ng

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