Toronto Star




1 Zenith opposite

6 Lobster pincer

10 Crow's nest cry

14 Have one's say

15 Hurry

16 Timber wolf

17 Restaurant handouts

18 Patrick's domain

19 Stern opposite

20 Disentangl­e

22 Flip-chart stand

23 Red-waxed cheese

24 Happy outcome

26 Stand-___ (substitute­s)

29 Hero's tale

31 Calendar abbr.

32 Janitor's tool

33 Forest grazer

34 Postal meter units

38 CEO, often

40 Same old grind

42 Eject

43 Woodworkin­g chore

46 Dog-paddled

49 Harper Valley org.

50 Cote murmur

51 Pocket flaw

52 Droop

53 Picnic hampers

57 Coal seams

59 Minstrels' instrument­s

60 Clinic staffer

65 Norse god

66 Hit the horn

67 Radium discoverer

68 Stratagem

69 Landscape

70 Stand for

71 Found a buyer

72 In addition

73 Sci-fi weapon


1 Iditarod terminus

2 Peak

3 By — of hard work

4 Toughen up

5 Dwelled

6 Smoother

7 Milk, to Yves

8 Ranch measure

9 Minuscule

10 “The Godfather” actor (2 wds.)

11 Barn dweller

12 Band members

13 Caterwauls

21 — Canaveral

22 Brownish tint

25 “The X-Files” concern

26 Urchins

27 Director — Ephron

28 Shoot forth

30 Squeeze

35 Tea holders

36 This, in Tijuana

37 Doe's mate

39 Became ill

41 Small lumber (3 wds.)

44 Thumbs-down votes

45 Understood

47 Stein fillers

48 Annual exam

53 Big windstorms

54 Video's complement

55 Quiet

56 Make a mess of

58 Cousteau invention

61 Garden implements

62 Spring bloom

63 Candy striper

64 Poet's contractio­n

66 Rural elec. provider

 ?? ??

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