Toronto Star

Trudeau has an auto agenda, but Biden’s in the driver’s seat

PM faces uphill climb against proposed ‘Buy American’ policy


When U.S. President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met one-on-one in the Oval Office Thursday, the first topic Trudeau brought up was the proposed protection­ist Buy American policy on electric vehicles. This, according to a source in the Prime Minister’s Office who had been debriefed on the meeting.

In his own press conference after the meetings at the trilateral summit with the U.S. and Mexico concluded, Trudeau said, “We’ve been highlighti­ng our concern around the proposed electric vehicle credits for vehicle electric vehicles uniquely made in the United States and the impact that could have on Canadian jobs and the Canadian auto industry at a time where we are investing significan­tly in the kinds of zero emission vehicles that the world is going to need in the coming years.”

He’d mentioned it not just to Biden directly, he said, but in meetings with other American elected officials over his two days in Washington.

There were a number of topics under discussion during his visit to the White House — both for meetings with Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris, and for the summit with Biden and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The three had policies to announce: about Canada and Mexico sharing with Central America the vaccine doses the U.S. had loaned them, on co-operating further on pandemic measures, on climate change and migration.

But for the Canadians, the proposed protection­ist electric vehicle measures that many fear could cut Canada’s automakers and suppliers out of the emerging vehicle market, were top of mind.

It was top of mind for the Canadian press travelling with Trudeau, too — as demonstrat­ed during the press availabili­ty at the start of the meeting in the Oval Office. After the introducto­ry remarks by both leaders — “this is one of the easiest relationsh­ips” Biden said — the first question from a Canadian reporter was about the EV measures proposed as part of Biden’s Build Back Better plan that’s before Congress.

“We’re gonna talk about it,” Biden said simply, seeming to dismiss the question and trying to move on. Canadian reporters shouted more follow ups — “Why are you trying to kill the car industry in Canada, Mr. President?” one shouted. “Is there any room for compromise?” another asked.

“The answer is: I don’t know,” Biden said. “And I don’t know what we’re going to be dealing with, quite frankly, when it comes out of legislatio­n. So, we’ll talk about it then.”

A cacophony of followups — to Biden and Trudeau — went unheeded, as White House handlers shouted “Thank you, thank you, thank you” to usher the press out of the room.

(There are a lot of jokes in this town about Canadian politeness, but throughout the day White House staff could frequently be heard thanking reporters shouting questions. “Thank you! Thank you!” Such manners.)

Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, was more defensive in her regular press briefing that took place as the two leaders were meeting. The measure, she said, reflected the president’s commitment to American jobs, and she denied it was any kind of violation of the new NAFTA trade pact.

Meanwhile, over in Congress, the House of Representa­tives was preparing a final vote on the Build Back Better economic package — including the Buy American policy — at the same moments that Trudeau was speaking Thursday night. While he was still in town making the case against it, the House was holding the vote to pass it.

So, maybe not a smashing success story for the Canadian delegation.

But then, no one expected success on that file in the form of any kind of decision or announceme­nt in Canada’s favour.

Once it’s through the House, the massive $1.7-trillion (U.S.) spending package needs to get passed in the Senate. There it’s expected to be rewritten in any number of ways, according to the demands of senators such as Bernie Sanders on the left and Joe Manchin on the right. (Manchin, who has been making loud noises opposing the EV incentives that Canada dislikes, was spotted on the White House grounds Thursday while the Canadians were there. According to a PMO staffer, he was not in any meetings with Trudeau.)

And even if it is passed by the Senate and signed into law, the proposed measure would not take full effect for a few years.

So there is lots of time for Canadians to continue making their case, even if at the moment they seem to be rowing against a protection­ist current.

In the meantime, a lot else happened during a day of summits and meetings. The joint statement and proclamati­ons expected to follow the summit meeting — the first such “Three Amigos” get together since 2016 — was not available yet at the time of this writing, but a White House background briefing said the leaders expected to be able to announce measures to share vaccines with less developed countries in the region, a new plan to co-ordinate on an updated plan for facing future pandemics of all kinds, launch a “North American supply chain working group,” as well as some climate change measures and agreements on migration issues.

Trudeau characteri­zed the summit as “extremely effective” and said it demonstrat­ed to him that “our partnershi­ps are strong and unwavering.”

Biden and Trudeau and their delegation­s, according to the PMO, met for an hour — about 15 minutes longer than planned. And for the first 20 minutes, they were alone in the room, which was also longer than planned.

Still, things looked grim this week for Canada’s prospects in the immediate battle against protection­ism. But the larger campaign will carry on for a while.

 ?? ADRIAN WYLD PHOTOS THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, left, U.S. President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau en route to a meeting Thursday in Washington.
ADRIAN WYLD PHOTOS THE CANADIAN PRESS Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, left, U.S. President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau en route to a meeting Thursday in Washington.
 ?? ?? Biden and Trudeau, and their delegation­s, met for an hour on Thursday, according to the Prime Minister’s Office, 15 minutes longer than planned.
Biden and Trudeau, and their delegation­s, met for an hour on Thursday, according to the Prime Minister’s Office, 15 minutes longer than planned.
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