Toronto Star

Government­s doing little to help with climate


A difficult road ahead, Nov. 19

B.C.’s disaster is coming to every province in Canada and nobody is preparing for it.

Our government­s keep planning and doing all the same things that are causing climate disasters. There are clean jobs and dirty jobs that can be created, but our elected officials all plan on the dirty jobs destroying the planet. What they don’t get is that dirty job creation eventually destroys all jobs.

Doug Ford’s plan for a new highway over protected lands that environmen­talists and scientists urge him not to do is an example of a limited vision. His reason for building it? The constructi­on creates jobs. Yes, dirty jobs that will destroy our lives. B.C.’s example is our future. The land we share is not infinite, but politician­s treat it like it will never end as they cover it with concrete and tar. Brian Mellor, Midland, Ont.

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