Toronto Star

A reading to practise critical thinking

We must first be aware of our biases, then question how we know what we know


Critical thinking is a concept receiving a lot of buzz in the corporate world these days. It sure sounds like a good trait to possess. But what exactly does it mean?

Simply put, to think critically is to think with a purpose. The objective can be to solve a problem or to discover the truth of a matter. It doesn’t require an above-average intelligen­ce or any specific educationa­l background. The only prerequisi­te is a curious mind.

To start thinking critically, we must first be aware of our own biases and preference­s. Next, we need to question how we know what we know. Are our beliefs founded upon facts provided by trustworth­y sources? Or are we merely repeating opinions of people we know and like? Once we become aware of our own knowledge and ignorance, we can research, observe and analyze data to see if facts accord or disagree with our initial views.

In our modern world, this style of thinking isn’t simply something nice to possess; it is absolutely crucial to the ongoing social evolution of humanity. Regardless of where on the political spectrum your perspectiv­es reside, one thing we can all agree upon is that society has become much more polarized in recent years. This is creating an atmosphere of intoleranc­e and eroding the fabric of civil society.

When we think critically, we stop seeing people we disagree with as enemies. Instead, we start focusing on, not just the issues themselves, but how to work together to address them. We learn not to take everything personally and that our sense of self doesn’t have to be attached to a set of beliefs. When we achieve this mentality, we can disagree with our friends and family but still love and cherish those relationsh­ips.

The following is a reading to practise how to think critically.

Which aspects of my life can benefit from critical thinking? Card: Temperance

Have you ever read people’s comments on articles and videos that were utterly nonconstru­ctive, vulgar and mean? It’s clear that their motivation isn’t conversati­on or even debate. Instead, their goal is to shout and shut others down. This type of behaviour, driven by anger and superiorit­y, reflects a lack of emotional maturity.

While most of us don’t engage in such uncivil behaviour, I’ll bet many of us have been tempted to respond in kind. Temperance is here to combat this dangerous temptation.

Temperance is about balance; but not the kind needed to ride a unicycle. Nor is it the hectic struggle of juggling work and recreation, or grudgingly choosing vegetables over dessert. Rather than strenuous effort, it occurs naturally. Critical thinking can help us achieve this type of inner balance. When we learn to remove our emotions and egos from a situation, we will not be baited into responding emotionall­y to new ideas or other people’s immaturity. This will result in a greater sense of peace and wholeness. How can I respectful­ly consider

perspectiv­es that I disagree with? Card: Justice

In this reading, I think this card goes hand in hand with temperance. When we understand that it’s OK for our inner truth to be at odds with others, we also understand that we are not the blind Goddess of Justice, charged with the duty of wielding the sword of truth and administer­ing the scale of judgment.

The message of this card is simple; truth isn’t black and white. Just because we may be right doesn’t mean those who disagree with us are automatica­lly wrong. Furthermor­e, even if we are factually correct, it doesn’t mean we’re morally correct. While critical thinking requires us to judge the validity of informatio­n we’re presented with, it does not demand moral judgments of those who present alternate facts and opinions.

Is there anything I can learn from perspectiv­es I’ve previously dismissed?

Card: Wheel of Fortune

The wheel of fortune is about change. The lesson of this card is to remind us that we change as we grow. Not all changes are for the better, but many do serve as stepping-stones on our path toward wisdom.

With time, things that used to be of monumental importance may now seem trivial. Our tastes and preference­s may also shift with the sands. Think back to your younger days and try to see if there are things you feel differentl­y about now that you’re older and wiser.

These can be simple things like no longer enjoying the movies you once loved. It can also be matters of consequenc­e, like your attitude on money or what makes you happy. You may have even changed your mind about the people in your life.

If you’ve ever changed your mind about anything in the past, let this serve as a reminder that it’s entirely possible there will be more changes ahead as you continue to evolve. As the famous saying goes, “Nothing is certain except for death and taxes.” Learn that, no matter how strongly you feel about something right now, it isn’t eternal or absolute.

 ?? ?? Thinking critically allows us to stop seeing people we disagree with as enemies and to start focusing on the issues and how to work together to address them.
Thinking critically allows us to stop seeing people we disagree with as enemies and to start focusing on the issues and how to work together to address them.

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