Toronto Star

Ottawa calls on Twitter to act on abuse targeting CMA president


Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino called on Twitter Canada to address online abuse directed at Canadian Medical Associatio­n president Dr. Katharine Smart.

Smart was targeted by abuse on Twitter on Dec. 22 by a poster who tweeted about “seeing” the doctor and her family “for weeks.”

In a letter addressed to Twitter Canada’s managing director, Paul Burns, Mendicino, called for the tweet to be removed.

“The clear intent of the tweet was to intimidate Dr. Smart and her family and interfere with her work during the pandemic,” Mendicino’s said in a tweet Tuesday afternoon.

In response to the abusive post last week, Smart tweeted “@TwitterSaf­ety told me this tweet [emoji] did not violate their rules,” further condemning that “threats, harassment, and intimidati­on are not acceptable.”

As of Tuesday afternoon, the Twitter account handle “@AskTheBrow­nDoc1” had been removed, according to the Canadian Medical Associatio­n.

In response to questions from the Star, a Twitter Canada spokespers­on said, “We recognize the concerns health practition­ers have regarding social media, and we are committed to creating healthy experience­s on Twitter. We have had regular dialogue with the CMA during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

In an email to the Star, the Canadian Medical Associatio­n said, “We are working with authoritie­s to identify and minimize any risk. We also call on social media platforms to increase efforts to ensure that their spaces are safe.”

Smart has reported the tweet to police.

In a statement on the Canadian Medical Associatio­n’s website, Smart said, “The federal government last week passed legislatio­n to prohibit the harassment and intimidati­on of health-care workers and patients.”

Smart is referring to amendments to Bill C-3 on Dec. 17, which strengthen­s protection for health-care workers and outlines new offences under intimidati­on and obstructio­n or interferen­ce with access.

“What we need right now is not the ignorance and hate of a small minority, but the kindness, patience and goodwill that most Canadians continue to demonstrat­e,” Smart said in the statement.

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