Toronto Star

Mom’s persistent advice is a detriment


Q My adult daughter has commuted two hours each way for work for many years. She complains, and I suggest to her to find a job locally or a shorter commute. I sent her an amazing job advertisem­ent with more money, less commute, job advancemen­t, etc. She said that she didn’t want my help.

However, she asked her siblings for help with looking for a new job but didn’t follow through on the resume and interview. I don’t understand.

She was always an A student, but I see her struggling and it’s so hard. She deserves to earn more money, commute less, have job advancemen­t and opportunit­ies.

My partner always says to me, “Stop. Leave her alone.” He’s always minimizing my feelings. I see that my daughter’s exhausted physically, mentally and emotionall­y. How can I help? Can you help?

Concerned Mom

A Your worries about your daughter’s wellbeing are natural. But your persistenc­e at offering her advice she won’t follow is counterpro­ductive, even divisive. She’s repeatedly been clear: She does not want your help.

This is a conflict embedded in your relationsh­ip. That doesn’t mean you’ve done everything wrong. Rather, it means there’ve been past issues on which you two have never agreed nor tried to resolve together. You can change this dynamic by appreciati­ng your daughter as she is — independen­t, and steadfast at the work she does, despite inconvenie­nces and lack of advancemen­t.

Why does she make those choices? That’s her private business, for which she’s unwilling to answer.

Your role with this adult daughter is to back off on all criticism, and be warm and receptive when you see her.

If you feel a need for personal help on this, talk to a social work counsellor or other therapist, on your own. Your daughter is unlikely to agree to attend with you.

Reader’s Commentary Regarding the wife wondering whether her nurturing, tidying and low-passion husband is gay (Dec. 8):

“The husband described as an only-child who does all the housework, is and was me.

“Through my personal experience and also attending ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctio­nal Families meetings — a 12-step, 12-tradition program of people who grew up in dysfunctio­nal homes) meetings I learned that the reason I was driven to do it all, was because of my childhood. I did it to be liked and loved by my parents ... to get approval and attention.

“I acted this way for decades in friendship­s, work and partners. My first marriage ended after 10 years when I was called a control freak.

“In another relationsh­ip, I’ve discovered my defects and took ownership and apologized for my part in the marriage.

“My current 29-year relationsh­ip is rock solid as we both attend ACA meetings. We learned how to talk to each other by sharing openly and honestly in those meetings. ‘Istatement­s’ are the important part of living honestly. I now say what I mean, mean what I say and don’t say it meanly.

“The letter-writer’s husband isn’t broken, but he’s living the normal that he knows.”

FEEDBACK Further resources: Everyone should read Lindsay C. Gibson’s books on recovering from emotionall­y immature parents, “Adult Children of Emotionall­y Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, Or Self-Involved Parents.”

Reader: “It’s essential reading if your parents were/are narcissist­ic or downright malignant. The books are also elegantly written, simple, lean, and concise.”

Ellie’s tip of the day

Many parent/adult child relationsh­ips are strained due to harsh beginnings. But the potential for change may be hiding in plain sight: Adult self-acceptance.


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