Toronto Star

Bill 37 is good for shareholde­rs, not the elderly


Ford’s Bill 37 tolls for all of us, Jan. 4

I must in all sincerity say that we are absolutely confounded at the thinking behind this Bill. What is the intent? To let the rich get richer? While the poor get poorer? And the sick and elderly in long-term-care (LTC) homes have no one to champion their cause?

This will be the second time this is happening. The first time, a grant was recently given to for-profit LTC homes. How was the money spent? They used the money to pay dividends to their shareholde­rs. Outrageous!

The money was meant to improve the care given to the residents in those homes by way of additional equipment or additional staff to give increased and empathetic care to the senior residents there, and generally improve the sunset conditions of the elderly in those homes.

I do hope intelligen­t heads will prevail and Bill 37 will be cancelled. And if the money is given, then a full accounting should be given to the Ministry of Health, and the Auditor General, indicating exactly where the money was spent.

Al Mathias, Mississaug­a

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