Toronto Star

Tax the unvaxxed? Why not?


The idea of imposing a fine or tax on people who refuse to get vaccinated (as Quebec Premier François Legault plans to do) sounds at first hearing like a step too far in the fight against COVID-19.

Certainly, when we learned of the Quebec plan our instant reaction was negative. Surely, we thought, there are still plenty of other ways to turn the screws on the unvaxxed before resorting to fines (or a “health contributi­on,” as Legault calls it).

But on second, third and fourth thoughts — why not?

To get a few things out of the way first. Of course Legault is playing politics; he’s a politician, after all, and his announceme­nt of a “vax tax” diverted attention from his government’s failings in managing the pandemic. It all seems like a back-of-the-envelope notion, details TK.

And of course the idea of a charge on the recalcitra­nt unvaxxed minority raises a host of questions.

Would it be effective? Would it be legal? Most importantl­y, would it be fair, given that the “unvaxxed” aren’t all the same? They include both defiant anti-vaxxers (like the ones who inundate the Star’s editorial board with threats to have us hauled up before some future Nuremberg-type trial on pro-vaccine charges) as well as people with genuine concerns (such as pregnant women worried about the health of their babies).

But in principle, the idea of a special tax, levy, fine, whatever you want to call it, is perfectly defensible under the extraordin­ary circumstan­ces we find ourselves in.

Those who oppose the whole concept call it “punitive.” Well, of course it is. But consider all the other punitive, or at least coercive, measures we’ve been forced to endure in the cause of first containing, then defeating, COVID-19 and its hideous variants.

We’ve all been banned from public activities for months at a time. Our children have been deprived of schooling, at an enormous cost to their mental well-being. In Quebec, the whole population has been put under a curfew and ordered to stay indoors.

Those who choose not to be vaccinated already face additional “punitive” measures. They’re banned from flying on planes, eating in restaurant­s, and accessing some retail spaces. More significan­tly, the federal government, the City of Toronto, and many private companies have fired hundreds of people for failing to show they’ve been vaccinated.

Compared to losing your job, what’s a tax or fine? Which is more “punitive?” It’s not at all clear why imposing a special health tax is qualitativ­ely more oppressive than firing people who won’t get their shots.

Nor would a mandatory “health contributi­on” violate the principle of universal health care. Under Legault’s proposal, unvaccinat­ed people would not be denied health care, nor would they be shoved to the back of the line if they come down with COVID, as some people say should happen.

That’s important. It may be tempting to discrimina­te against those who refuse vaccines and then jam up hospital beds, but it would be wrong. Our system doesn’t refuse treatment to others who harm themselves by smoking, drinking or failing to take their prescripti­on meds. That would violate the principle of universal access to health care, not to mention medical ethics.

(We do, however, effectivel­y charge smokers and drinkers more through high consumptio­n taxes; it’s not the same as a direct health tax, but it’s not entirely different either.)

Those who worry about a slippery slope that would lead to charging smokers, heavy drinkers or even overweight people more for their treatment should relax.

We’re dealing with a once-in-a-century pandemic emergency here, not trying to punish smokers or the obese. In any case, people with lung diseases and alcohol problems aren’t overwhelmi­ng the health care system and prolonging the pandemic at enormous cost, financial and social, to everyone else.

No, this is a special situation that calls for special measures. And, in principle at least, there’s nothing about a vax tax that goes beyond what’s reasonable under the circumstan­ces.

The biggest concern, as we said above, is how it could be done fairly. If we could make sure a vax tax fell exclusivel­y on conscious anti-vaxxers, who put their own interests ahead of everyone else, we wouldn’t worry.

But such a levy would also fall on people who deserve more understand­ing — those in disadvanta­ged communitie­s who may distrust the health system, underpaid workers who haven’t made the time to get to a clinic, or that pregnant mother worried about her child.

For all those people, we have to keep reaching out and making sure everyone who will accept vaccines can get their shots and be reassured about their safety.

If those efforts are made, the “vax tax” may remain just an idea, not a reality. Perhaps the mere threat of a fine will incent a sizable share of unvaxxed Quebecers to finally step up and get their shots.

We hope so. But, in principle, government­s should be prepared to go there if other measures don’t work.

Under Legault’s proposal, unvaccinat­ed people would not be denied health care, nor would they be shoved to the back of the line if they come down with COVID, as some people say should happen

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