Toronto Star

MP asks to send more doses to poor countries


OTTAWA A Liberal MP from Toronto is calling on the federal government to redouble its efforts to share COVID-19 vaccines with poorer countries, arguing it is past time Canada and other rich nations learn one lesson from the Omicron surge: the whole world needs shots as soon as possible.

Beaches—East York MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith provided the Star on Monday with the text of a new motion he intends to table in Parliament after the House of Commons returns on Jan 31.

The motion calls on the Liberal government to devote another $1.1 billion to the fair global distributi­on of COVID-19 vaccine doses, including $780 million — on top of the $1.3 billion Canada has already pledged — to the ACT-Accelerato­r, an initiative launched by the World Health Organizati­on to share COVID shots, treatments and tests around the world. The motion also seeks $290 million in aid to help countries defend against the pandemic and deliver vaccines.

Erskine-Smith also wants Canada to speed up deliveries of the 200 million doses it has promised by the end of 2022 to the ACT-Accelerato­r’s COVAX program, which is meant to “guarantee fair and equitable access” to COVID-19 shots for all countries.

He described the proposals as the fulfilment of a “moral obligation” to poorer countries, as well as a “matter of self-interest” to try to prevent another variant such as Omicron from emerging in countries where population­s don’t have access to the same number of shots.

According to data compiled by the One Campaign, an internatio­nal organizati­on devoted to fighting poverty and disease that helped Erskine-Smith craft his motion, only around 10 per cent of people in Africa — the world’s poorest continent, per capita — are fully vaccinated with two doses against COVID-19.

In Canada, as of Jan. 21, more than 77 per cent of the total population had received at least two doses, according to the federal government.

“Canada has played a leading role in global efforts, but those global efforts have been mediocre and underwhelm­ing and insufficie­nt,” Erskine-Smith said by phone on Monday.

“We’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars on our own domestic pandemic response,” he added. “We can spend a fraction of what we spent to protect the world and protect ourselves.”

“This is a call to arms for the government to say we can do more, we should do more.”

 ?? ?? Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith is calling on Ottawa to devote $1.1 billion more to the fair global distributi­on of COVID-19 vaccine doses.
Liberal MP Nathaniel Erskine-Smith is calling on Ottawa to devote $1.1 billion more to the fair global distributi­on of COVID-19 vaccine doses.

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