Toronto Star

Al-Anon guided me when I needed help


Dear Readers: Alcoholism (alcohol use disorder) touches a nerve in countless readers, including people of all social strata, financial conditions and education levels.

Since I cannot include all reader responses, here are two that offer important informatio­n from those who’ve “been there.”

Reader No. 1 Regarding the wife fed up with her alcoholic ranting husband (Jan. 4):

I grew up in an alcoholic home and despite everything I vowed not to be, ended up an alcoholic. I’m sober and in recovery today. Among the best advice I got was to attend Al-Anon, the sister 12-step group of Alcoholics Anonymous.

It gave me understand­ing of the family disease and insights into choices I had in relation to the active alcoholic.

Through unconditio­nal love and understand­ing, they’ve guided me through ways I could change my perspectiv­e and reactive behaviour toward the alcoholic, and adopt a more centred, rational, compassion­ate response.

The boundaries I built for myself replaced the anger and frustratio­n I used to feel. I now know that I didn’t cause the alcoholism, can’t change it and can’t cure it.

I now treat the alcoholic I grew up with, with patience, tolerance and kindness. I hate the disease not the person.

I hope this woman and her family find their way to Al-Anon. Whether she decides to leave the marriage or stay, she’ll have a deeper understand­ing of her own needs and boundaries. She’ll cease feeling guilty about her husband’s behaviour and reclaim her self-image through self-care and the support of many in her group.”

Ellie I’ve written about Al-Anon many times in past columns too, because of the importance of family/friends of alcoholics finding their own supports.

Reader No. 2 It’s essential that the husband read “Alcohol Explained” by William Porter, and his “Alcohol Explained 2”. Also, “Alcohol Lied to Me” by Craig Beck, and “This Naked Mind” by Annie Grace.

Until fairly recently, 12-step programs were the only approach. I don’t deny that they’ve helped many thousands of people, and that’s great.

However, they simply do not address the actual root of the problem — which is alcohol (ethanol) itself, its myriad physiologi­cal and subconscio­us mechanisms. Therapy and counsellin­g have their place, but it’s the rare addict who’ll break free and remain sober through therapy.

The books mentioned, and the online resources associated with them, finally explain what’s truly going on in the body and mind of problem drinkers, in simple, uncomplica­ted, everyday language.

And using the words and experience­s of those who’ve been there, then did the research into what’s actually going on biological­ly, chemically, psychologi­cally, and socially.

I know, because I suffered for nearly 30 years. I’m highly intelligen­t, and had tried everything. Nothing worked until I learned what alcohol actually is and does.

I’m now gratefully free. I’m happy, my wife is happy, my friends, family and employers are happy. If it weren’t for these authors and their books and the online resources, I and all around me would still be suffering, and I’d be on my way to an early grave. Ellie There are many books on achieving sobriety, but ones with more insights through advanced research are a valuable addition.

Ellie’s tip of the day

Uncontroll­ed alcohol use negatively affects everyone in a family. Well-researched books offer new, motivating insights toward sobriety.

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