Toronto Star

Liljegren has been a pleasant surprise


We are around the halfway mark, which makes me curious about your biggest surprise and disappoint­ment so far this season?

Scot in Norway

If we’re talking Leafs, the biggest surprise would be the play of Timothy Liljegren. I think he could one day be a T.J. Brodie-type, a steadying force for the player he plays with. Liljegren will never be snazzy. But he looks like he’ll be reliable. The biggest disappoint­ment is probably Nick Ritchie. Enough said there.

I wonder if Alex Kerfoot isn’t too expensive for a third-line winger and you might not lose much with Pierre Engvall in that spot. And if Kerfoot might be gone at the deadline, along with Travis Dermott (and Nick Ritchie?) for a defensive upgrade (hopefully on the right side). I think the Leafs should move Ritchie and use his $2.5 million (U.S.) cap hit on Mikheyev, if they can sign him. Might cost them a pick to do it.

Janet and Ron A.

All good ideas. If there’s a significan­t trade at the deadline, this will be the year GM Kyle Dubas trades something off his roster to get it. Why won’t Sportsnet/HNIC provide a TV broadcast where the commentato­rs are Leafs fans? The Leafs broadcasts are so sterile and politicall­y correct. How about a second channel that is pro Leafs? Just listen to a Bruins or a Red Wings TV broadcast where the commentato­rs are cheering for the home team. Pat M.

Well, you could listen to Joe Bowen on radio. That might fit the bill. Or watch along with Steve Dangle on YouTube.

You have asked your readers to cut John Tavares some slack. However, you failed to address his poor production, four points in the last nine games … He makes way too much money and is nowhere the leader in the mould of Wendel Clark, Doug Gilmour or Mats Sundin. I just can’t believe the Leafs can win a Cup with Tavares as captain.

Dan W., London, Ont.

If you’re going to give up on a player because he had four points over a nine-game stretch in a season in which he has 38 points in 38 games and has proven himself over his career to be a point-a-game player, well, you’re channellin­g Harold Ballard. And how did those years work out?

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