Toronto Star

Ontario could lift its indoor mask mandates in March


The Ides of March could be the smiles of March if positive pandemic trends continue.

Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario’s chief medical officer of health, said the middle of next month might see the lifting of the indoor mask mandates in place for most of the COVID-19 crisis.

“The worst is behind us, but there is an ongoing risk,” Moore told reporters Thursday at Queen’s Park.

“There remains a risk of transmissi­on every day and hence the need to continue to wear masks at present,” he said.

But that may soon change. “We’ll be reviewing masking in public on the second or third week of March and make decisions for all public spaces, including schools in that time frame,” the province’s top doctor said.

“If and when we transition, it would be from … a mandate to mask to a recommenda­tion to mask,” said Moore, stressing that means it would be up to Ontario residents to make their own masking decisions.

“I would certainly hope that vulnerable members of our community that are at risk for this virus, that are immune suppressed or transplant patients in public spaces would continue to mask,” he said.

“And we may review masking for public spaces like in transport systems like subways and buses, etc., to ensure that everyone’s confident to use those resources.”

Masks covering the mouth and nose have been mandatory in most indoor settings in much of Ontario since July 2020, four months after the COVID-19 pandemic hit Canada. They must be worn in workplaces — including Queen’s Park — as well as public spaces.

Beyond public transit, masks are also compulsory in taxis and Ubers as well as when walking around restaurant­s and bars.

“We need to start enjoying the things that improve our well-being,” said Moore.

“But it also means continuing with Ontario’s staged, phased, cautious and evidence-based approach. This includes keeping our masks on a while longer and that health and safety plans are in place to keep public spaces safe for all of us,” he said.

Urging Ontarians to “bear with us” for a few more weeks, Moore expressed optimism for the spring as further restrictio­ns are lifted, including the phasing out of the vaccine passport on March 1.

“We all need a break from them,” said Moore, cautioning “we may need them again in the fall if Omicron comes back.”

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