Toronto Star

Ontario to lift all restrictio­ns by April 27

Those with underlying health issues urged to mask in crowded spaces despite mandate’s end


From masking to vaccinatio­ns, Ontario is lifting all COVID-19 restrictio­ns by April 27 as part of its plan to live with the virus that has claimed more than 12,600 lives across the province in the last two years.

That starts with an end to mandatory masking in schools and most indoor public places March 21, as first reported by the Star.

Amid concerns that mandatory masking is being dropped too soon — especially in schools — businesses and institutio­ns are welcome to keep masking and mandatory vaccinatio­n policies as COVID-19 infection levels decline but the virus continues to circulate, provincial officials said in outlining the plan Wednesday.

And Ontarians, particular­ly those with underlying medical conditions that could lead to serious health problems from the virus, are encouraged to continue wearing masks in crowded situations.

“You can’t mandate masking forever. It has to be, at some point, an individual choice,” chief medical officer Dr. Kieran Moore told a news conference, noting the number of new COVID-19 cases is expected to increase “slightly” with the easing of restrictio­ns. Moore said he would continue to wear a mask in crowded shopping malls, for example, and added mandatory masking could return if a dangerous new variant appears.

The next step in the reopening comes Monday, when hospitals and other institutio­ns will no longer be required to have policies requiring vaccinatio­n and testing of staff, although many hospitals have already made COVID-19 shots a condition of employment.

While masking rules will be lifted in most indoor settings on the Monday after the March school break, masks will be required in higher-risk settings until April 27 — a week before the June 2 election campaign officially begins.

That includes on public transit and in nursing and retirement homes, hospitals, shelters, jails and other congregate living settings such as facilities for Ontarians with developmen­tal disabiliti­es.

The Ontario Hospital Associatio­n warned that masking should be expected in hospitals “for some time as a patientsaf­ety measure.” Lifting mandatory vaccinatio­n rules in long-term care is “irresponsi­ble,” added AdvantAge Ontario, representi­ng 200 not-for-profit nursing homes.

Some health experts and opposition parties pushed back at the plan to lift mandatory masking on March 21.

“Since we know that most cases of COVID-19 identified in schools originate outside of school, we would have preferred to see masks kept in place for two weeks after,” said a coalition that includes Sick Kids Hospital, the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and children’s hospitals in London and Hamilton.

Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca agreed, saying that “now is not the time” to end masking in schools, while infectious diseases specialist Dr. Isaac Bogoch said “I think it is reasonable to keep masks on for now and re-evaluate weekly.”

The government will continue to provide schools with masks for staff and students who want to wear them. The Ministry of Education sent school boards a remainder that under current federal travel requiremen­ts, Canadians who return from internatio­nal destinatio­ns must wear a mask at all times when in public spaces (including schools and daycares), maintain a list of all close contacts for their first 14 days and monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

In Brantford, Premier Doug Ford maintained the decision to further ease restrictio­ns was left to Moore, and said there was no political interferen­ce with the June 2 election campaign looming.

Isolation policies are also changing.

Close contacts of people testing positive for COVID-19 outside their own households will no longer be required to isolate. However, they are being advised to self-monitor for symptoms for 10 days after exposure, wear a mask and avoid activities where they would have to remove their masks, not visit anyone at high risk, such as seniors, and not visit or work in highrisk settings unless they have previously tested positive in the last 90 days.

For close contacts in a household, isolation will continue unless they have tested positive in the last 90 days, are over 18 and have received a booster shot or are under 18 and fully vaccinated.

Officials said there will be a “final extension” of Ontario’s emergency powers to the end of April in case they are needed, noting it is impossible to predict when a dangerous new COVID-19 variant might surface.

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