Toronto Star

Scrap Ontario’s first-past-the-post electoral system


I am so dispirited over our election process, and it is no surprise to me that many people don’t bother to vote.

In the run up to the current provincial election we are being told each day in articles, polls and political cartoons who is going to surely win. So if someone feels their vote doesn’t matter, it is easy to see why they don’t bother to vote.

After all, if a party can form a majority winning only 39 per cent of the popular vote, as in our current first past the post system, that means the views of the majority of voters might well not matter at all.

How is this democratic? When on earth are we going to wake up and demand proportion­al representa­tion so all views will be represente­d in a fair and reasonable way? Cheryl Simpson, Stratford, Ont.

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