Toronto Star

Protect civilians in Rafah, Biden urges

As Israel launches series of airstrikes, U.S. president says military must have evacuation plan


A series of Israeli strikes early Monday hit Rafah, the city on the southern edge of the Gaza Strip where 1.4 million Palestinia­ns have fled to escape fighting elsewhere in the fourmonth Israel-Hamas war.

Israel has been signalling its ground offensive in Gaza may soon target the densely populated city on the Egyptian border. On Sunday, the White House said President Joe Biden had warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel should not conduct a military operation against Hamas in Rafah without a “credible and executable” plan to protect civilians.

The strikes hit around Kuwait Hospital early Monday morning, an Associated Press journalist in Rafah said. Some of those wounded in the strikes had been brought to the hospital.

The Israeli military said it struck “terror targets in the area of Shaboura” — which is a district in Rafah. The military statement said the series of strikes had concluded, without elaboratin­g on the targets or assessing the potential damage or casualties. Palestinia­n health officials did not immediatel­y offer any casualty informatio­n.

Biden’s remarks were his most forceful language yet on the possible operation. Biden, who last week called Israel’s military response in Gaza “over the top,” also sought “urgent and specific” steps to strengthen humanitari­an aid. Israel’s Channel 13 television said the conversati­on lasted 45 minutes.

Discussion of the potential for a ceasefire agreement took up much of the call, a senior U.S. administra­tion official said, and after weeks of diplomacy, a “framework” is now “pretty much” in place for a deal that could see the release of remaining hostages held by Hamas in exchange for a halt to fighting.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss negotiatio­ns, acknowledg­ed that “gaps remain,” but declined to give details. The official said military pressure on Hamas in the southern city of Khan Younis in recent weeks helped bring the group closer to accepting a deal.

Netanyahu’s office declined to comment on the call. Hamas’ Al-Aqsa television station earlier quoted an unnamed Hamas official as saying any invasion of Rafah would “blow up” the talks mediated by the United States, Egypt and Qatar.

Biden and Netanyahu spoke after two Egyptian officials and a Western diplomat said Egypt threatened to suspend its peace treaty with Israel if troops are sent into Rafah, where Egypt fears fighting could push Palestinia­ns into the Sinai Peninsula and force the closure of Gaza’s main aid supply route.

The threat to suspend the Camp David Accords, a cornerston­e of regional stability for nearly a halfcentur­y, came after Netanyahu said sending troops into Rafah was necessary to win the four-month war against Hamas. He asserted that Hamas has four battalions there.

Over half of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million have fled to Rafah to escape fighting in other areas.

 ?? SAID KHATIB AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? People walk through the rubble of a building heavily damaged by Israeli bombardmen­t in Rafah on Sunday. Egyptian officials are threatenin­g to suspend a peace treaty with Israel if Israeli troops are sent into Rafah.
SAID KHATIB AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES People walk through the rubble of a building heavily damaged by Israeli bombardmen­t in Rafah on Sunday. Egyptian officials are threatenin­g to suspend a peace treaty with Israel if Israeli troops are sent into Rafah.

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