Toronto Star

Ideas to address car-theft issue


PM opens door to longer sentences for car thieves, Feb. 9

Justice Minister Arif Virani says the criminal code already contains sufficient legislatio­n to tackle the issues of organized crime and theft, but that there was “absolutely more to do.” With 90,000 cars stolen a year, I’d say so.

Car manufactur­ers definitely need to improve security measures. The adage “there is no honour among thieves” is something to think about and exploit. Offer money to anyone in organized crime or to a person with intimate knowledge for informatio­n — no testifying, no charges — just give up names, locations and intelligen­ce about theft rings.

The $1 billion paid out by Canadian insurers, the expense of police investigat­ions, victim trauma and court costs may make this a small price to pay.

Jim Skeels, Toronto

Car companies should provide each owner with a club steering wheel lock device as part of the purchase. It costs about $95 and prevents anyone from driving the car. We don’t need more electronic­s or federal task forces. A car you can’t drive isn’t much good to a thief. The insurance companies that are currently bleeding money to cover the cost of thefts could pay for the clubs.

Peter Bradley, Mississaug­a

Given all the recent focus on car thefts and potential means to prevent such, I find it incredible that a major car company has introduced digital technology that turns your compatible smartphone into a digital key. The key can lock/unlock and start your car, and you can share this code by texting it to a friend. Does this not make it easy for crooks to intercept your code and, with a cellphone, drive off with your car? Can we make it any easier for them?

Maurice Sacco, Toronto

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