Toronto Star

Judges should be apolitical


Ford is supposed to represent all Ontarians, not just the like-minded, March 2

There are three letters that I’d like to address, those of Larry Rayner, Claire Hoy and Marvin Zuker, a judge.

Both Rayner and Hoy convenient­ly neglected to mention that the system as it was set up, and as it existed before Doug Ford became premier, though perhaps imperfect, was acceptable to the legal profession and all political parties.

As to Rayner’s comment about there being no outrage when former premiers Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne appointed judges, that was likely because they followed the procedure acceptable to those involved. And Hoy’s comment, about it only becoming controvers­ial when appointees lean right instead of left, has absolutely no validity based on fact. It is not the judges who have been appointed that is the issue. It is the method by which they are appointed.

Both Hoy and Rayner would learn something from the third letter by Marvin Zuker, himself a judge, appointed by the Conservati­ve government of Bill Davis.

Zuker, in his own words regarding his appointmen­t states, “If Ford had been at the helm, I would definitely be employed somewhere else.”

He went on to say; “It’s a sad day when so many incredibly competent and qualified lawyers who are not of like mind to the Ford government.”

No doubt this is a sentiment that is completely beyond the understand­ing of Rayner or Hoy, as well as the Ford government and its current attorney general. Given the complete silence of the remaining cabinet members and the PC party caucus, therein lies the real tragedy.

Edward Seymour, Hamilton

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