Toronto Star

‘The gangs have won so far’

State of emergency continues as police struggle to contain violent attacks


Haiti’s government said Thursday that it was extending a state of emergency and nighttime curfew to try and curb violent gang attacks that have paralyzed the capital of Port-auPrince in a fierce battle for political power.

An initial three-day curfew was announced over the weekend, but gangs have continued to attack police stations and other state institutio­ns at night as Haiti’s National Police struggles to contain the violence with limited staff and resources.

“The people with the guns are essentiall­y the current arbiter of Haitian politics,” said Robert Fatton, a Haitian politics expert at the University of Virginia. “The gangs have won the battle so far.”

The attacks began a week ago, shortly after embattled Prime Minister Ariel Henry agreed to hold general elections in mid-2025 while attending a meeting of Caribbean leaders in Guyana. Gangs have burned police stations, shot up the main internatio­nal airport, which remains closed, and raided Haiti’s two biggest prisons, freeing more than 4,000 inmates.

During that time, Henry had travelled to Kenya to push for the deployment of a UN-backed police force from the East African country to help fight gangs in Haiti. But a court in January ruled that the deployment was unconstitu­tional, and it wasn’t clear if the force would deploy given the worsening violence in Haiti. Henry is currently in Puerto Rico, where he was forced to land on Tuesday after the armed groups laid siege to the internatio­nal airport, preventing him from returning.

Dozens of people have died in Haiti’s recent gang attacks, including several police officers. The violence also has left more than 15,000 people homeless, in addition to some 300,000 Haitians who lost their homes to gang wars in recent years.

In addition, there were reports that gangs on Thursday looted shipping containers filled with food at the main port in Port-au-Prince, raising concerns that provisions in the capital and elsewhere would dwindle quickly.

“If we cannot access those containers, Haiti will go hungry soon,” said Laurent Uwumuremyi, Haiti director for Mercy Corps.

The operator of the port, Caribbean Port Services SA, said Thursday it was suspending all operations because of “malicious acts of sabotage and vandalism.”

UN spokespers­on Stephane Dujarric said the insecurity has forced the World Food Program to suspend its maritime transport service, which is currently the only means of moving food and medical supplies for aid organizati­ons from Port-au-Prince to other parts of the country. Two dozen trucks with equipment, medical supplies and food are stuck at the port in Portau-Prince, he noted.

 ?? ?? Jimmy (Barbecue) Chérizier, a former police officer who now runs a gang federation, speaks to reporters in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Tuesday. Gangs have burned police stations, shot up and shut the main internatio­nal airport and raided Haiti’s two biggest prisons, freeing more than 4,000 inmates.
Jimmy (Barbecue) Chérizier, a former police officer who now runs a gang federation, speaks to reporters in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Tuesday. Gangs have burned police stations, shot up and shut the main internatio­nal airport and raided Haiti’s two biggest prisons, freeing more than 4,000 inmates.

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