Toronto Star

Ottawa aims for more ammo

Weapons manufactur­ers will get millions to plan for increased production


Canada is giving two weapons manufactur­ers millions of dollars to come up with a plan to make more 155 mm ammunition as the war in Ukraine drags on.

Defence Minister Bill Blair made the announceme­nt in a speech to the Conference of Defence Associatio­ns Institute in Ottawa on Thursday.

He said $4.4 million will go to IMT Defence and General Dynamics to develop detailed proposals to increase production.

“We’ve donated tens of thousands of rounds of NATO-standard, 155 mm artillery ammunition to Ukraine. But Ukraine needs much more ammunition — and quite frankly, so does Canada and the (Canadian Armed Forces),” Blair said.

Several of Canada’s allies have already signed deals to increase their own production.

NATO signed a $1.2-billion (U.S.) deal in late January through its Support and Procuremen­t Agency to produce around 220,000 rounds, bringing its total spend on 155 mm ammunition to more than US$4 billion.

Countries contributi­ng to the agreements will either shore up their own supplies or provide the ammunition to Ukraine.

Canada is not one of those contributi­ng nations.

In a statement on Jan. 25, Defence Department spokesman Alex Tétreault said, “We continue to sustain the stocks of ammunition necessary to meet the long-term training and operationa­l commitment­s of the CAF.”

Canadian manufactur­ers produce a variant of the 155 mm shell known as the M107, which is shorter-range and considered less desirable than the M795.

Blair said Canada’s production capacity is now up to 5,000 shells per month from 3,000, thanks to a $4.8million dollar spend last year — the first increase in production capacity since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

But cost estimates for building domestic production capacity of the M795 rounds are nearly 100 times that.

A senior Defence Department official told a House of Commons committee in November that General Dynamics and IMT Defence provided initial cost estimates of $200 million in late 2022, and later revised them to $400 million.

That price tag doesn’t include any actual ammunition.

Troy Crosby, the assistant deputy minister of materiel, also told MPs on the defence committee that industry estimates suggest it could take three years to get a production line up and running.

The deal announced Thursday is aimed at developing production of M795 rounds.

General Dynamics will “demonstrat­e the capability to manufactur­e a combustibl­e cartridge case,” the Defence Department said, work that will take two years to complete.

It’s also agreed to look into automating some areas of production by the fall of 2025.

IMT Defence is tasked with developing a production line concept within the next couple of months.

Christyn Cianfarani, president of the Canadian Associatio­n of Defence and Security Industries, said she is encouraged that talks continue about ramping up production.

“We continue to call for urgency,” she said in an email.

During his address to the conference, Blair was also asked about the military’s recruitmen­t efforts and he noted that more members have left the Armed Forces in the last three years than have entered.

“Frankly, it’s a death spiral for the Canadian Armed Forces, we cannot afford to continue on that pace.”

In December 2022, the Defence Department announced it would allow permanent residents to apply to join the military for the first time. CBC News reported recently that 21,000 people applied but only 77 actually joined the ranks in the first year.

Recruitmen­t processes are too slow, Blair said, and potential recruits are finding other jobs while waiting on the military to call them back.

“One of the things that I was told by the military is, ‘If we hire them, we’re stuck with them forever, like we own them forever.’ And that’s why they’re so cautious,” Blair said.

 ?? SEAN
K I L PAT R I C K THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Defence Minister Bill Blair speaks at the Conference of Defence Associatio­ns Institute in Ottawa on Thursday. Blair said Canada’s production capacity is now up to 5,000 shells per month.
SEAN K I L PAT R I C K THE CANADIAN PRESS Defence Minister Bill Blair speaks at the Conference of Defence Associatio­ns Institute in Ottawa on Thursday. Blair said Canada’s production capacity is now up to 5,000 shells per month.

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