Toronto Star

How to avoid paying the ‘pink tax’ on items


When Amrita Maharaj-Dube goes shopping with her daughter, the five-year-old is instantly drawn toward all things pink and sparkly.

But when unicorns and hearts make an item more expensive than one with dinosaurs or space ships, her mother draws a line.

“I started buying more genderneut­ral colours for my children,” said Maharaj-Dube, who also has an eight-year-old son. “The black, the greys, the reds, orange and yellow — colours that are a bit more gender neutral (and) both my son and my daughter can use.”

Products marketed toward women and girls such as razors, shampoo and even children’s clothes can cost more than their equivalent for men or boys, a phenomenon that’s been dubbed the “pink tax.”

“Pink tax was a term coined in the ‘70s to describe the difference in pricing between men’s and women’s products,” said Calgary-based Janine Rogan, a chartered profession­al accountant and author of the book, “The Pink Tax.”

Disposable razors have been a representa­tive example for years — the same product was priced higher when it came in pink.

Some of that discrepanc­y has improved in recent years. Along with companies adjusting their prices to become more equal, some jurisdicti­ons around the world have eliminated actual taxes on necessary health products such as menstrual pads and tampons in a bid to level the playing field for those who use them.

However, corporatio­ns and marketers still find ways to raise prices for products aimed at women and girls such as shampoos and lotions, Rogan says.

Maharaj-Dube says her daughter is often disappoint­ed with her money-saving choices, so she’s turned to a solution that works for her bank account and keeps her child happy: thrifting.

“I take her to the thrift store and (tell her), ‘Hey, you can pick out whatever you want,’ ” she said. “It’s at a fraction of the prices (and) I’m getting good value for money.”

Neighbourh­ood Facebook groups can also prove a helpful resource for swapping or buying young girls’ hair clips, clothes or toys, said Maharaj-Dube, a corporate communicat­ions manager for a mental health and addiction treatment centre.

“We’re all mothers and we’re all feeling the pinch of these economic times,” she said. “We’re always trying to find ways to save money.”

Maharaj-Dube’s efforts to stretch a dollar on products targeted at her gender go beyond fulfilling her daughter’s demands.

“I’ll confess … I’m in my late 30s and I (had started) investing more in skin care,” she said. But she started noticing how expensive it can get if one adopts a 10-step skin care routine.

She resorted to do-it-yourself skin care, such as at-home turmeric or Greek yogurt face masks and aloe vera for her hair and skin instead of expensive facials.

“I’ve been changing my spending habits and not giving into the marketing powers of the skin care and beauty industry,” she said.

Women often feel compelled to spend more on perfecting their physical appearance, but men don’t typically face similar pressures. A man with greying hair is less likely to feel the need to dye it, for example.

VAN DER BRUG TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE FILE PHOTO ?? Products marketed toward women and girls such as razors, shampoo and even children’s clothes and toys can cost more than their equivalent for men or boys, a phenomenon that’s been dubbed the “pink tax.”
BRIAN VAN DER BRUG TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE FILE PHOTO Products marketed toward women and girls such as razors, shampoo and even children’s clothes and toys can cost more than their equivalent for men or boys, a phenomenon that’s been dubbed the “pink tax.”

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