Toronto Star

It is clear that Ford does not understand …


Ford warns Trudeau’s Liberals they’ll be ‘annihilate­d’ if they raise the carbon price, March 13

Annihilati­on is what burning fossil fuels is doing to our planet, heating it far beyond safe limits. Global warming in 2023 didn’t just break records, it smashed them, earning the alarming distinctio­n of being the hottest year in our recorded history with these first months of 2024 following suit.

Relentless heat waves, huge and howling wildfires, recordbrea­king droughts and torrential rains engulfed many parts of the world last year, with the burning of coal, oil and gas at the root source of all these catastroph­es.

What is Ontario doing aside from Premier Doug Ford railing against a carbon fee that pays back more in rebates to 80 per cent of taxpayers? Thanks to Ford and colleagues, we’re expanding — not phasing out — climate-wrecking natural gas infrastruc­ture, and doing it on the backs of all provincial taxpayers and gas customers. We need to remember this when Ontario election time rolls around in 2026. Liz Armstrong, Erin, Ont.

It’s an upside down world when Premier Doug Ford appeals to the federal government not to increase the carbon tax as scheduled, on behalf of Canadians.

When Toronto hits a record high in temperatur­e of 18 C on March 11 and the world has just experience­d the hottest year in recorded time, rational people would think that there is an epic problem called climate change that needs all hands on deck.

Ford says that he thinks the feds should want to put money into the pockets of Canadians, but isn’t that what the Canada Carbon Rebate does? In Ontario, households get a minimum of $1,120 annually, while in Alberta, they get $1,800!

Ford also fails to account for the enormous costs of climate change. Canadians who have lived through climate disasters (think Fort McMurray, Alta., or Lytton, B.C.) have suffered unbearable personal loss.

But who pays the brunt of cleanup, compensati­on and future mitigation? Think billions, and it is never enough.

It’s not the fuel companies who are enjoying record profits for their shareholde­rs. They must be cheering on Ford, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith and federal Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre. It’s us who foots the bill. What if that money could be diverted to programs that are valued by all Canadians?

Ruth Allen, Toronto

Unfortunat­ely, when Premier Doug Ford starts a statement with “I do not understand …” you know it’s probably true. In this case he went on to prove it, saying the government should be “putting money back into people’s pockets instead of filling their pockets.”

Fact is, the (misnamed) carbon tax does put money back in people’s pockets. It would be very helpful if the premier were an avid student of facts rather than political polls and sound bites.

David Kempton, Newmarket

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