Toronto Star

Poilievre’s stance on war worries Muslims

Some feel Conservati­ve leader has missed chances to show compassion for the community


OTTAWA While a spokespers­on for regional Muslim advocacy group warns Pierre Poilievre’s stand on the Israel-Hamas war could complicate his party’s relationsh­ip with Muslim Canadians, another advocate accuses the Liberals of only responding to their concerns for the purpose of getting their votes.

Nawaz Tahir of the Hikma Public Affairs Council in London, Ont., met Poilievre during the leader’s outreach efforts in southweste­rn Ontario last summer. Tahir said he believes Poilievre has missed chances to show compassion for Muslims and that building ties could be “much more difficult now.”

Poilievre’s reluctance to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza came up in January when Conservati­ve MP Garnett Genuis met members of Mississaug­a’s Pakistani and Muslim communitie­s.

In a roughly 52-minute video shared on social media, Genuis admitted the party’s position may not be one that is “100 per cent” agreed with, but said defeating Hamas is “critical” to establishi­ng lasting peace for Palestinia­ns.

He was later questioned about why no Conservati­ve MPs joined Liberal and NDP members who travelled to the West Bank last fall. Genuis said he wasn’t sure but that he had visited the Palestinia­n territorie­s several years ago and that it was “a really eye-opening trip.”

Genuis was at the event to drum up support for a Senate bill that would compel pornograph­y websites to verify the age of their users, aimed at preventing children from accessing sexually explicit material.

It’s a piece of legislatio­n the Muslim community could play “a critical role” in advancing, Genuis said, even though their support has typically gone to the federal Liberals.

Tahir acknowledg­ed being a Liberal supporter in the past, but now considers himself non-partisan, given his advocacy work. He said he’s donated money to the Liberals and the NDP — as well as the Conservati­ves, for whom he said he helped sign up around 500 Muslims during the last leadership race.

One of the ways Tories see a chance to gain inroads with Muslims is by championin­g “parental rights,” which refers to wide-ranging concerns about what children are learning in schools when it comes to LGBTQ issues. Those concerns have been echoed by several prominent Muslim organizati­ons, which Poilievre has promoted.

Mahmoud Mourra, a conservati­ve Muslim from Calgary, said while community members have been disappoint­ed by Poilievre’s response to the war, he believes support for the party remains solid. “I do believe the Conservati­ve party, they do really care about the Muslim voters,” he said. “They didn’t stand for what we believe, but they’ve been so straight about it.”

Many are unhappy with the Liberal government’s handling of the conflict because of how long it took to call for a ceasefire, which Mourra said was done “based on political gain, nothing less.”

Conservati­ves have been trying to nurture the party’s relationsh­ip with Muslims as part of an overall effort to grow support among newcomer and faith communitie­s.

In previous years, Poilievre’s social media feeds have featured photos of him visiting mosques and community centres during Ramadan — but not this year.

The National Council of Canadian Muslims and dozens of Muslim organizati­ons, mosques and groups signed an open letter to MPs ahead of Ramadan, asking them to stay away from events during the holy month if they couldn’t commit to taking several stances, including support for an immediate ceasefire and condemning some of the actions of Israeli forces.

When asked about Polievre’s outreach this year, Conservati­ve spokespers­on Sebastian Skamski said Poilievre has articulate­d a clear position that Israel has a right to defend itself and that Palestinia­ns need humanitari­an relief “as a result of the war that Hamas has started.”

Skamski also pointed to a speech Poilievre delivered Tuesday in Montreal to the Beth Israel Beth Aaron Jewish congregati­on. “I want you to know,” Poilievre the crowd, “I say all of these things in mosques. I do go to mosques. I love meeting with the Muslim people, they are wonderful people.”

He went on to say that when the issue of Israel is raised, “I say, ‘I’m going to be honest with you — I’m a friend of the state of Israel and I will be a friend of the state of Israel everywhere I go.’ ”

That runs counter to the approach taken by Justin Trudeau, continued Poilievre, accusing the prime minister of muddying the government’s position. “While it might make for good politics to have one individual MP who says the right thing in order to get a seat back and keep Justin Trudeau in power, it does not solve the problem of having Canada take a right and principled position,” he said.

Skamski said Poilievre has met with thousands of Muslim Canadians during his term as leader and has connected on their shared values of “faith, family and freedom.”

“You can’t talk to Muslim Canadians about faith, about family values, all of those things, while at the same time turning a blind eye to 30,000 dead,” Tahir said, referring to the number of people killed in Gaza since Israel began bombarding the territory in October.

Tahir said many were disappoint­ed in Poilievre’s opposition to funding the UN aid agency UNRWA.

He also rejected the case South Africa brought against Israel in the Internatio­nal Court of Justice, accusing Israel of genocide. Tahir said that has left some people feeling dissatisfi­ed.

“We won’t forget,” Tahir said. “There’s no chance that the Muslim community will forget the Conservati­ve position here.”

 ?? SPENCER COLBY THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? In previous years, Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre’s social media feeds have featured photos of him visiting mosques and community centres during Ramadan — but not this year.
SPENCER COLBY THE CANADIAN PRESS In previous years, Conservati­ve Leader Pierre Poilievre’s social media feeds have featured photos of him visiting mosques and community centres during Ramadan — but not this year.

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