Toronto Star

DJ Levi happily going with the flow


DJ Levi — a.k.a. Sarah Levinson — is the resident DJ for the Marlies, Toronto’s Festival of Beer and Budweiser Stage. She has opened for Charlie XCX, Nas and T-Pain, and DJ-ed the VIP lounge for Drake’s OVO festival.

The Dates

“In my experience, the queer dating scene in Toronto is both big and small. I find it’s helpful to put yourself out there and leave your little bubble. Toronto’s an ever-growing city and it’s the same for the queer scene. I do, however, notice that the three degrees of separation rule especially applies to the AFAB (assigned female at birth) community.

Toronto has a definite lack of lesbian bars, which is both unfortunat­e and a little embarrassi­ng. However, queer folks are resilient and I’ve seen an inspiring influx in many events and spaces lately. A go-to spot of mine has been Three Dollar Bill in Parkdale, plus Standard Time on Geary.

If you’re looking to meet fellow queer folks, my advice would be to go to events that really spark joy for you personally and meet likeminded people that way. For example, there are queer boxing classes, queer trivia nights, queer wine nights and queer hip-hop and dance hall nights. There’s so much to choose from and I think remaining authentic and true to yourself will always land you exactly where you’re meant to be.

I have been single since last June. I really enjoy meeting others who are on the same journey as myself. Lately I’ve connected with a lot of people who are going through similar growing pains of understand­ing what it means to them to be queer and what kind of relationsh­ips they want with themselves and others. I’ve seen friends who’ve been out for many years but recently changed their names and or their pronouns. It’s really beautiful to watch people grow into themselves; I’m realizing there is no real end to that. I used to think that I disliked being single because then I wouldn’t have a support system or anyone to share my life with. But now I’ve recalibrat­ed what a support system looks like to me and that means I get to share my life with and lean on my friends and family more.

I have had some success using the apps and social media in the past. I also like to be old-school and meet people in person. AFAB folks are notorious for matching on apps and then never reaching out after that. Or you go on one date and it lasts for 48 hours and then you’re calling the U-Haul. The good thing about the apps is getting to see people’s profile and knowing they are single. In person, obviously, it’s harder to know if the person you’re interested in is partnered or what they are into.

Bad date-wise, I was on a first date with someone and my ex showed up at the same bar. My ex was also on a date and didn’t realize I was there. They proceeded to make out with their date to the point that this girl was in their lap. I eventually confronted my ex and we got into a bit of an argument. I had to explain all of this to my date and then threw in the towel, gave her money for the drinks and went home. That ex and I are now actually great friends and I just attended their wedding! (No, they didn’t marry the girl who was in their lap!)

One great date that comes to mind is a sunset on the beach date. We drove to Cherry Beach and made a fire, then my partner at the time brought ice cream and a homemade berry compote, which they heated up over the fire. We topped our ice cream with warm berries and watched one of the craziest sunsets I’ve ever seen. The sun was glowing red and looked so massive it was like we were on another planet.

Often people think that dating a DJ means that we will always be out partying.

Since it’s my job, I look at the events I do with a very different lens. When I don’t have to work, I mostly enjoy staying home and being low-key.

I’m also a huge foodie so I love a dinner and drinks night. I like to try new spots and enjoy eating a variety of cuisines. Some of my favourites are Seoulshake­rs, Fonda Balam and Ferro Bar & Café.

A tradition my mom and I had when we would visit my grandma, who lived in the Kensington seniors home, was to always go get empanadas after at Jumbo Empanadas. After my grandma passed away, I’d know I really liked someone if I wanted to take them to get empanadas.

This year I’m focusing on pouring into myself, my friends and family. I think the right relationsh­ip comes along when you are not seeking it. I’m focusing on harnessing my energy and emotions by practising gratitude and meditation. I think you attract what you put out there.”

 ?? DJ Levi — a.k.a. Sarah Levinson — has opened for Charlie XCX, Nas and T-Pain. She also was the VIP lounge DJ for Drake’s OVO festival. VANESSA WEBSTER ??
DJ Levi — a.k.a. Sarah Levinson — has opened for Charlie XCX, Nas and T-Pain. She also was the VIP lounge DJ for Drake’s OVO festival. VANESSA WEBSTER

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