Toronto Star

Allies in Congress already support Trump’s platform

If elected, he will move quickly from rhetoric to reality


As Donald Trump campaigns on promises of mass deportatio­ns and pardons for those convicted in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol, his ideas are being met with little pushback and some enthusiasm by a new era of Republican­s in Congress.

It’s a shift from the first time around, when the presumptiv­e Republican presidenti­al nominee encountere­d early skepticism and, once in a while, the uproar of condemnati­on.

Rather than being dismissed as campaign bluster or Trump speaking his mind to rouse his most devoted voters, his words are being adopted as party platforms, potentiall­y able to move quickly from rhetoric to reality with a West Wing in waiting and crucial backing from key corners on Capitol Hill.

“We’re going to have to deport some people,” said Republican Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, one of Trump’s biggest supporters, days after campaignin­g alongside Trump in his home state.

While Democratic President Joe Biden and his allies are sounding alarms about Trump’s proposed agenda for a second term — and his promise that he would be a “dictator” but only on Day one — the Republican Party in Congress is undergoing a massive political realignmen­t toward Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement.

Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who clashed with Trump at times particular­ly over the Capitol riot while also pushing through dozens of his judicial picks, is preparing to step down from his leadership role at the end of the year. House Speaker Mike Johnson faces constant threats of his ouster.

Rising in the churn are MAGAaligne­d newcomers such as Vance, who wasn’t yet elected during Trump’s presidency, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who was elected as Trump lost to Biden in 2020. Both Vance and Greene are considered potential vice-presidenti­al picks by Trump.

Greene, who recently filed a motion to potentiall­y force Johnson from the speakershi­p, said it’s too soon to be discussing a secondterm policy agenda or who will fill West Wing positions. As she campaigns for Trump, she said her priority is just winning the election.

Other Republican­s in the House and Senate often simply shrug when asked about Trump’s agenda, pointing to policies they like and others they might support.

Meanwhile, a cast of former Trump White House officials in Washington is pushing out policy papers, drafting executive actions and preparing legislatio­n that would be needed to turn Trump’s ideas into reality.

These efforts are separate from Trump’s campaign, whose senior leaders have repeatedly insisted that outside groups do not speak for them, though many group leaders would be in line to serve in a new Trump administra­tion.

If Trump wins, “we are going to have a plan — and the personnel — ready to roll,” said Paul Dans, a former Trump administra­tion official who heads the conservati­ve Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, which is collecting thousands of resumes and training staff for a potential second Trump administra­tion.

Trump himself has suggested having a “very tiny little desk” on the Capitol steps so he can sign documents on Inaugurati­on Day.

“On Day 1 of President Trump’s new administra­tion, Americans will have a strong leader,” said Karoline Leavitt, the campaign’s national press secretary.

Congress pushed back at times during the first Trump administra­tion, a stable of Republican­s joining with Democrats to halt some of his proposals.

Republican­s and Democrats resisted a White House effort to commandeer funds for a U.S.-Mexico border wall, leading to the longest government shutdown in history.

Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who died in 2018, famously gave a thumbs-down to Trump’s effort to repeal the health law known as the Affordable Care Act.

And after Trump supporters stormed the Capitol to try to reverse his 2020 loss to Biden, 10 Republican­s in the House voted to impeach Trump for inciting the insurrecti­on and seven Republican senators voted to convict him.

Many of those lawmakers have since left Congress.

As a result, there are fewer lawmakers now in Congress willing or able to stand up to Trump or publicly oppose his agenda, as he has effectivel­y commandeer­ed the party apparatus, including the Republican National Committee, as his own.

“Those people are all kind of flushed out,” said Jason Chaffetz, a former GOP representa­tive who is close to Trump allies on and off Capitol Hill.

Perhaps Trump’s most enduring campaign promise in 2024 is his repeated pledge to launch the “largest domestic deportatio­n operation in American history” — reviving the immigratio­n and border security debates that helped define his presidency.

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida has been a leader on immigratio­n issues, particular­ly the 2013 bill that provided a 10-year path to citizenshi­p for immigrants in the U.S. without legal documentat­ion, although it ultimately failed to become law.

But with migrant crossings hitting record highs during Biden’s term, Rubio said, “Whether they’re deported through the hearings that they’re waiting for, or they’re deported through some effort to expedite it, something’s going to have to happen.”

“No one’s saying it would be easy, but something’s going to have to happen with all the people that have come here,” he said.

Added Vance: “I think you have to be open to deporting anyone who came to the country illegally.”

 ?? ELIJAH NOUVELAGE AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a potential Donald Trump running mate, is among the many pro-MAGA newcomers to Congress.
ELIJAH NOUVELAGE AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a potential Donald Trump running mate, is among the many pro-MAGA newcomers to Congress.

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