Toronto Star

U.S. official had ‘Havana syndrome’ symptoms at NATO summit


A senior U.S. Defence Department official who attended last year’s NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, had symptoms similar to those reported by U.S. officials who have experience­d “Havana syndrome,” the Pentagon confirmed Monday.

Havana syndrome is still under investigat­ion but includes a string of health problems dating back to 2016, when officials working at the U.S. Embassy in Havana reported sudden unexplaine­d head pressure, head or ear pain, or dizziness. The injuries to U.S. government personnel or their families were part of a “60 Minutes” report Sunday that suggested Russia is behind the incidents, one of which took place during the 2023 NATO summit.

“I can confirm that a senior DOD official experience­d symptoms similar to those reported in anomalous health incidents,” deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters Monday. Singh referred questions on whether Russia had a role to the intelligen­ce community, which is still investigat­ing.

The official, who was not identified, was not part of Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin’s official travelling delegation to Vilnius, Singh said, but was there “separately, attending meetings that were part of the NATO summit.” Singh did not say whether the affected defence official had to seek further medical care, retire or cease performing duties, citing medical privacy.

In February, the Office of the Director of National Intelligen­ce in its 2024 threat assessment found that it was “unlikely” that a foreign adversary was responsibl­e for causing the mysterious ailments but noted U.S. intelligen­ce agencies had varying levels of confidence in that assessment.

State Department spokespers­on Matthew Miller told reporters on Monday the department has confidence in that assessment.

“It has been the broad conclusion of the intelligen­ce community since March 2023 that is unlikely a foreign adversary is responsibl­e for these anomalous health incidents,” Miller said. “It’s something that the intelligen­ce community has investigat­ed extensivel­y and continues to look at. We will look at new informatio­n as it comes in and make assessment­s inside the State Department and with our intelligen­ce community.”

The Pentagon’s health-care system has establishe­d a registry for employees or dependents to report such incidents. In March, however, a five-year study by the National Institutes of Health found no brain injuries or degenerati­on among U.S. diplomats and other government employees who had Havana syndrome symptoms.

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