Toronto Star

A unified call for peace in Israel


“Where there is struggle, there is hope.” That’s the motto of Standing Together-Omdim Byachad-Naqaf Ma’a, our group of Jewish and Palestinia­n citizens of Israel, working together in partnershi­p and collaborat­ion, devoted to peace in Israel-Palestine.

The struggle has never been more difficult, but the hope has never been more needed. For the last week, we’ve been spreading our message here in Toronto and have been overwhelme­d at the response we’ve gotten — from a “sold out” audience of more than 450 at the Toronto Reference library, from Jewish and Palestinia­n students at York University, from leading members of Parliament, from thousands of radio listeners and from so many more ordinary Canadians. It is very powerful for us to know that we are not alone in Israel-Palestine as we fight for peace, justice and equality.

Standing Together started about nine years ago as a collective of Jewish and Palestinia­n activists in Israel, who understood that only joint action, based on our shared economic, social and security interests, could ensure a better future for all those in our society.

Following the Oct. 7 Hamas attack and Israel’s ensuing war on Gaza, we’ve been leading the fight for a ceasefire agreement and a hostage deal. We know that the ongoing war in Gaza is a catastroph­e that must end. Palestinia­ns in Gaza are paying the highest price, with mass death, displaceme­nt, disease and starvation — and never-ending war is not benefiting Israelis either.

We believe that this war serves no one’s interest except those of the extremists on both sides. Military action won’t return the hostages, can’t defeat Hamas and will never guarantee security for Israel’s border communitie­s — only a ceasefire and, eventually, a just negotiated peace, can do that.

Throughout our time here, we’ve surprised many Canadians — how can you, Rula, a Palestinia­n citizen of Israel, and you Itamar, a Jewish citizen of Israel, be on the same side? Amidst the current internatio­nal discourse, which seeks to pit all Jews and all Palestinia­ns against one another, it can be difficult to imagine an alternativ­e political reality. Yet at the end of the day, our interests aren’t really opposed.

Our life experience­s brought us to where we are in very different ways, but like many others, we have both reached the conclusion that a completely new reality is necessary and possible. Like the majority of Canadians, most Palestinia­ns and Jewish citizens of Israel want the same things: economic safety, personal security and a healthy environmen­t. Israel’s current government may use war, occupation and racism to divide and control us. But we maintain that another path is possible: of solidarity, democracy and equality.

It can be easy to feel pessimisti­c about the future of Israel-Palestine. But as we’ve reminded people across Toronto, that’s exactly what the far-right wants us to feel. Pessimism breeds apathy and apathy births oppression. That’s why during these dark times we’re increasing our efforts to organize Jewish and Palestinia­n citizens of Israel — holding ceasefire rallies, organizing solidarity convention­s and building new student chapters.

Growing numbers of Jewish and Palestinia­n citizens of Israel are coming together, not to find the middle ground, but to create totally new ground.

We know that many Canadians also believe a better future is possible in Israel-Palestine and care deeply for everyone — Palestinia­ns and Jews — who live there. While we have the primary responsibi­lity to change the current reality, we value and need the support of our internatio­nal partners. If you, too value peace, spread our message.

Let your friends and communitie­s know that there are voices in Israel/Palestine that see a different future, a better future, an achievable future. Your support makes our work easier to do and assures us that we are not alone.

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