Toronto Star

Life After Prostate Cancer.


George was diagnosed with prostate cancer when he was 55. He was on a watch and wait system, monitored closely every six months. Sadly, the cancer had intensifie­d. He ended up having surgery to remove his prostate (called a prostatect­omy). Post-surgery, George felt embarrasse­d. He was experienci­ng incontinen­ce and he had erectile dysfunctio­n. He thought that part of his life was over for good.

George tried various remedies for 2-3 years, but nothing worked. Then he learned about UROSPOT. George had heard of Kegels but had no idea that they were for men too.

“After two sessions at UROSPOT, I started to see a difference. I didn’t have to wear a pad or a diaper. I didn’t have to wear anything at night. When sexual functionin­g returned, I felt like a man again. A huge burden was lifted. I had resigned myself to that part of my life being over and now it wasn’t. I was given a new lease on life,” said George. “I’m an active guy – biking, golfing, skiing, hockey – it was embarrassi­ng. I had to go to the bathroom every 2-3 holes in golf. I couldn’t play hockey for long without needing a bathroom. My muscles in this part of my body weren’t right, and I couldn’t get them right on my own. UROSPOT helped with that and changed my life”.

At UROSPOT, you sit fully-clothed on a Health Canada approved chair that uses high intensity electromag­netic energy to contract your pelvic floor muscles. No one is touching you and nothing is going inside your body. You simply sit while the chair restores your pelvic floor. It’s pelvic health done differentl­y. Treatment is eligible for partial benefit coverage.

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