Toronto Star

Paper Bag Premier pilloried


‘‘ With all the other problems facing the people of Ontario, you would think the premier would spend his time fixing the things that are important, not micromanag­ing the LCBO.


Doug Ford forces LCBO to reinstate paper bags for customers, April 8

Too bad Premier Doug Ford is no fan of libraries. Had he read Robert Munsch’s “The Paper Bag Princess” he may have understood that there is a time to be courageous, resourcefu­l and know when to walk away from those who can’t adapt to living without paper bags for their alcohol purchases. Our Paper Bag Premier puts pandering to the complainer­s above a sound environmen­tal initiative by the LCBO.

Patrick Hodgins, Toronto

Could this ploy be nothing more than a peculiar attempt to take our thoughts away from the Greenbelt and his myriad of other faux pas? For the past 25 years, I’ve used the same old rucksack to lug home all of my groceries, all of my wine, all of my booze and all of my beer. We don’t really need the plastic or paper bags.

Jack Drury, Toronto

I know times are difficult, but really? Perhaps not going into an LCBO but using that money for groceries would be even more beneficial. Am I the only one who thinks Doug Ford’s thinking is a bit fuzzy?

Susan Petko, Toronto

One of Doug Ford’s silliest concerns is that folks will openly carry liquor in public without the bags. He seems to have forgotten that alcohol is legal, people don’t have to hide their purchases. I think the Tories are fearing the growing threat of Bonnie Crombie and the centre-left, and believe this will somehow appeal to their base. Of course, it’s always possible that corporate cronies of the Conservati­ves will somehow benefit from this.

Craig Leach, Scarboroug­h

Why stop here? Bring back plastic shopping bags to grocery stores, too. That will save me the cost of those expensive reusable grocery bags. And while you’re at it, scrap the recycling fee from all Beer Store and LCBO purchases, then I don’t have to go through the hassle of returning them and can just dump them into my blue bin. Wow premier, you’re just full of great ideas.

David Blyth, Toronto

If all of our legislator­s were to debate all the of the things Premier Doug Ford could do to help “Ontario families already struggling to make ends meet,” putting paper bags back in the LCBO would likely cause hilarious laughter in the House. This idea ranks right up there with Buck a Beer.

Gregory J. Glenn, Stouffvill­e

At last, a reason to destroy thousands of trees in Ontario Place.

Adrianne Smith, Toronto

Anyone who cannot afford $1.25 for a reusable bag has no business buying a $38 bottle of whiskey. Alcohol is not a necessity for sustaining human life. The only necessitie­s are oxygen, water, food and affordable shelter. Find a real cause to support, premier: affordable housing, affordable food, the doctors’ shortage, health-care crisis, long-termcare homes crisis … Pick one.

Renee Ki, Toronto

With all the other problems facing the people of Ontario you would think the premier would spend his time fixing the things that are important, not micromanag­ing the LCBO. More and more people have to use the food bank because the cost of living is so high and wages are not keeping up. Homelessne­ss is another problem that has a much higher priority.

Allan Mantel, Victoria Harbour, Ont.

After months of practice of shoppers bringing their own bags, Doug Ford has pronounced that the newly acquired habit is of no value, either as a cost-saving practice or an environmen­tally appropriat­e alternativ­e for the LCBO.

Tonu Tosine, Toronto

Premier Doug Ford has ordered the LCBO to offer free paper bags to customers, to make “life easier, more convenient and more affordable for the people of Ontario.” Kudos to Ford. Given the previous cut to the provincial tax on gasoline, he has made drinking and driving more affordable.

Graeme Elliott, Toronto

I am totally frustrated with Doug Ford’s latest put-down of environmen­tal initiative­s by asserting that struggling taxpayers will be further burdened by bringing their own reusable shopping bag, or purchasing one at the LCBO, and therefore paper bags should be reinstated. If he cannot accept even a small attempt to help the cause of the environmen­t, what hope is there for any significan­t progress in this regard? His statement that people will be stuck openly carrying liquor in public is laughable. I’ve yet to hear a responsibl­e approach to the climate from this “save a few bucks and win a few votes” premier.

Maria Lorenzoni, Woodbridge

 ?? MICHAEL STUPARYK TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO ?? If Premier Doug Ford had read Robert Munsch’s “The Paper Bag Princess,” he may have understood there is a time to be courageous and resourcefu­l and to know when to walk away, Patrick Hodgins writes.
MICHAEL STUPARYK TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO If Premier Doug Ford had read Robert Munsch’s “The Paper Bag Princess,” he may have understood there is a time to be courageous and resourcefu­l and to know when to walk away, Patrick Hodgins writes.

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