Toronto Star

Controvers­ial remark by premier based on ‘limited informatio­n’

Ford denounced Zameer’s release on bail in 2021


Premier Doug Ford said Tuesday he was working with “limited informatio­n” when he controvers­ially denounced a 2021 decision to release Umar Zameer on bail, declining to say whether he regrets commenting at the time.

Zameer was acquitted by a jury Sunday of all charges in the death of Toronto police Const. Jeffrey Northrup, who Zameer accidental­ly struck with his car in the parking lot below Nathan Phillips Square in July 2021.

When he was released on bail in September 2021 pending his firstdegre­e murder trial, the evidence and reasons for the decision were covered by a standard publicatio­n ban meant to protect an accused person’s right to a fair trial. The ban was lifted when Zameer’s criminal case concluded Sunday, allowing journalist­s to report for the first time that the judge found the Crown’s case for murder to be weak.

“This is beyond comprehens­ion,” Ford tweeted when Zameer was granted bail. “It’s completely unacceptab­le that the person charged for this heinous crime is now out on bail. Our justice system needs to get its act together and start putting victims and their families ahead of criminals.”

On Tuesday, Ford declined to say when asked by reporters whether he regrets making those remarks or would apologize.

“At that time, I had limited informatio­n. The courts have decided, the jury decided, and we have to respect the justice system,” Ford said, adding his heart goes out to Northrup’s widow and family.

“It’s a very sad situation that happened, and I respect the court’s decision … It’s a very sad situation, guys, so I just want to focus moving forward on the economy, creating jobs.”

(A publicatio­n ban does not prevent any member of the public — including politician­s, their staff or members of the media — from going to a courthouse and reading a judge’s decision.)

Other politician­s also condemned the bail decision at the time, with then Toronto mayor John Tory saying it was “almost impossible to imagine a circumstan­ce in which an accused in a case of first-degree murder would be granted bail,” while Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown called the decision “disgusting” and “very disturbing.”

Tory said Monday he now knows he should have held off on commenting until getting more informatio­n; in a statement in which he did not name Zameer, Brown said the verdict “does not alter the reality” for the Northrup family.

 ?? THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? “It’s a very sad situation that happened, and I respect the court’s decision,” Ford said.
THE CANADIAN PRESS FILE PHOTO “It’s a very sad situation that happened, and I respect the court’s decision,” Ford said.

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