Toronto Star

Working through worries


With gentle parenting on the rise, our society is learning more and more about the importance of acknowledg­ing big feelings in tiny humans. Children’s brains may expand at an incredible rate as they take in new informatio­n and lessons all around them, but they sometimes struggle to verbalize and communicat­e their emotions.

Luckily, more and more supportive new guides are coming out every day, all designed to provide kids with the tools they need to tackle these challengin­g emotions. We’ve rounded uptools to support kids’ mental health so you can make sure the children in your life have the support they need to grow into the best version of themselves.

In this internatio­nal bestseller, Color Monster wakes up to find himself feeling every sort of emotion at once, his entire appearance is a snarl of scribbles in every colour. Luckily, a patient friend is there to help him go through the colours one at a time, identifyin­g them with the correspond­ing emotion. Wrapped in engaging cut-paper illustrati­ons, at its core “The Color Monster” is a vital tool in teaching children to name their emotions and understand and voice their thoughts and concerns.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is a tried-and-true psychology method that’s helped countless people find actionable ways to improve their mental health. The question is, how does one teach these sorts of techniques in a way children will find interestin­g?

Parul Cedilnik, a clinical child’s psychologi­st of over 25 years (and a mom herself ), has the answer. Her short story collection “Talk to My Brain” features six stories with engaging protagonis­ts and realistic challenges in kids’ day-to-day lives. From Shina’s nerves over her upcoming piano recital to Kevin’s discourage­ment when he struggles with an assignment, each story is packed full of relatable situations.

Each story is also accompanie­d by a supplement­ary discussion guide designed for parents, guardians and educators to go over each lesson and method — providing children with techniques that will aid them in becoming confident, adaptable and self-assured. “Ruby Finds a Worry” introduces us to — you guessed it, Ruby and a worry! At first, the worry is so small, Ruby thinks it isn’t worth mentioning. But as time goes on, the worry grows and grows until suddenly it’s all she can see. It’s only when Ruby talks to a fellow worrier that she realizes how much it helps to voice her anxiety. Suddenly, that big worry doesn’t seem quite so scary.

As part of the Big Bright Feelings series, this children’s book skillfully depicts the way anxieties can grow and spiral out of control until they seem to take over. But it also shows young readers that sharing our feelings helps us put these worries into perspectiv­e, rather than letting them grow unchecked and gives our loved ones the opportunit­y to support us.

Focusing solely on anxiety, this workbook gives kids the tools and vocabulary they need to voice their fears and “be the boss of their brains.” “When Harley Has Anxiety” uses its lovable and adorable protagonis­t to guide young readers through coping mechanisms, personal goals and over 45 activities, all meant to help them face their fears.

A licensed psychologi­st with a focus on treating children and teens with anxiety, Regine Galanti strives to implement CBT techniques throughout Harley’s various activities, all while maintainin­g a fun and positive outlook.

For young children, a powerful, lingering emotion like sadness can feel overwhelmi­ng and hard to manage. Thoughtful and empathetic, “When Sadness is at Your Door” introduces children to the concept of sadness not as a something to be frightened of, but instead a guest and companion that deserves respect. Quiet illustrati­ons model how young readers can sit with their sadness, respecting and listening to what it has to say, before going about activities that might help alleviate it. Viewing sadness as a guest helps readers understand that while the emotion may stick around for a bit, it won’t stay forever.

Sometimes, all we need is a little guidance to get on the right track. And when it comes to something like low self-worth, it’s important to curb that behaviour early. Luckily, Chip is there for them — a friendly, relatable little creature who is struggling with the same problems. “Sometimes I’m Sad” gives kids the model they need to work through tips, tricks, positive affirmatio­ns and practical informatio­n. And with prompts like “positivity scavenger hunt,” “mood tracker” and “room for all my emotions,” Chip and young readers will find the fun in these activities together.

Sometimes, what we all really need is to just chill out. But while anger, frustratio­n or upset aren’t pleasant to deal with, sometimes those big feelings overwhelm kids. In such times of negativity, it can be hard for them to change course and find relaxation and positivity — but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

If you’re looking to teach the way of zen to a child in your life, “The Calm Workbook” is here to help. Its soothing activity prompts are designed to help children find peace in the wake of powerful emotions, through challenges like creating a power-down routine, or dispelling anxiety through mindful breathing and a listening game. And who knows? Maybe adults can pick up some relaxation techniques along the way, too!

 ?? ?? When Sadness is at Your Door
Eva Eland 32 pages $21,
When Sadness is at Your Door Eva Eland 32 pages $21,
 ?? ?? When Harley Has Anxiety Regine Galanti PhD, illustrate­d by Vicky Lommatzsch 160 pages $17,
When Harley Has Anxiety Regine Galanti PhD, illustrate­d by Vicky Lommatzsch 160 pages $17,
 ?? ?? Talk to
My Brain
Dr. Parul Cedilnik
102 pages $33,
Talk to My Brain Dr. Parul Cedilnik 102 pages $33,
 ?? ?? The Calm Workbook Imogen Harrison 128 pages $23,
The Calm Workbook Imogen Harrison 128 pages $23,
 ?? ?? The Color Monster Anna Llenas 20 pages $24,
The Color Monster Anna Llenas 20 pages $24,
 ?? ?? Ruby Finds a Worry Tom Percival 30 pages $11,
Ruby Finds a Worry Tom Percival 30 pages $11,
 ?? ?? Sometimes I’m Sad
Poppy O’Neill 144 pages $13,
Sometimes I’m Sad Poppy O’Neill 144 pages $13,

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