Tri-County Vanguard

Education Minister accepts report’s recommenda­tions


Education Minister Zach Churchill says the government’s focus is on improving student success and he believes the recommenda­tions presented in a report on the system’s administra­tive structure will achieve this.

Churchill said on Jan. 24 that the government will act on the recommenda­tions of Dr. Avis Glaze, an education consultant who assessed Nova Scotia’s system. She presented her report publicly on Jan. 23 but had submitted her report to the government weeks earlier. Her report contains 22 recommenda­tions. The government said it accepts the “spirit and intent” of the recommenda­tions.

“This is a moment where we need to press forward together with a focus on those who need us most – our students,” said Churchill. “We have great people working in the system who are completely committed and dedicated to our kids. It’s our system that’s fractured.”

In an interview with the TriCounty Vanguard, Churchill acknowledg­ed dissolving the province’s seven elected English school boards is a difficult thing to do. (The CSAP French school board will remain intact. Glaze did not want to see that board dissolved.)

“I know our board members at home, I know how committed they are. I’ve met board members across the province who have put their heart and soul into this work. Everyone has been doing the very Nova Scotia Education Minister Zach Churchill says the education system is in need of changes. best they can,” he said. “It’s about the system. It’s not about the people in it.”

But having all of these elected boards has contribute­d to a fracturing the system, he said, because the boards and the education department work as independen­t silos. It has created, he said, a system that does not adapt or respond as quickly as it needs to for kids from one end of the province to the other.

In lieu of the school boards a provincial advisory council will be formed that will have people appointed to it.

“I would like to get that done as soon as possible,” Churchill said. “I also see it as an opportunit­y to get some of these really valuable school board voices to the table from each of the regions to provide us with critical advice on how we move forward with this transition and how we focus the system on student achievemen­t and success.”

Another recommenda­tion the province looks forward to implementi­ng is enhancing the role and influence of school advisory councils (SACs). This, it says, will strengthen the local voice in schools.

Asked what role he sees SACs serving, Churchill said, “Their role will be specific to their school community, but they will also feed informatio­n up to the directors (formerly the superinten­dents) in their regions and provide feedback to them. But their big focus is being able to direct funds in their own community and focus those invest- ments in areas where they feel it’s needed.”

Churchill doesn’t foresee any issues with giving more power to over 300 SACs in the province, in that it may create too many voices with vested interests tied to their specific schools.

“Big parts of these recommenda­tions are about empowering our front lines, principals, teachers, with local decision-making ability and empowering local communitie­s with funding so they can selfdirect funding issues and learning materials that they think will be best suited for the students that they’re serving,” he said. “Nobody has a greater stake in a school’s success than the parents and community members and the teachers that are there.”

There are SACs that have had trouble recruiting members in the past. Churchill said this is a legitimate concern and one the province will monitor.

Another key recommenda­tion Churchill points to is moving principals and vice-principals out of the Nova Scotia Teachers Union and into their own associatio­n. Their salaries, pensions and benefits will be protected.

“Principals have told us that they’re not able to be the instructio­nal leaders that they need to be because of certain facilities management burdens that have been put on them,” said Churchill. “So this is about giving them independen­ce in the system to be those instructio­nal leaders that we need them to be.”

The NSTU’s president has said the union is not on side with this, but Churchill notes this is the second independen­t review to make this same recommenda­tion.

“I know there’s implicatio­ns for the union with it, and we will work with them through that,” he said. “We will offer to cover membership dues for a transition­ary period to assist them with this. They do provide a valuable service to their members and we don’t want that to be put in jeopardy.”

Going back to the issue of dissolving the school boards, Churchill said legislativ­e changes are required for this to occur and this has to be done during a sitting of the Legislatur­e. The government has announced the next sitting of the Legislatur­e will begin on Feb. 27.

Meanwhile, commenting overall about the report, Churchill said, “We know we all need to do better. We’ve heard consistent­ly that the status quo is not an option. We’ve heard it from teachers, we’ve heard it from parents and we’ve heard it from the public.

“I think this report is responsive to the concerns that teachers have had. They’re experience­d frustratio­ns over the course of the last 10 years by losing autonomy in the classroom and I think this will help give that back,” he said. “I do believe by having a unified system that is coherently focused on objectives to better improve student outcomes that this will improve our achievemen­t level for students from one end of the province to the other and allow us to be more responsive and adaptive long term to the ever-changing needs of our student body.”

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