Tri-County Vanguard

Digby Municipal Council briefs from Jan. 22 meeting


Waiting in line to expand rural online capacity

The Municipali­ty of Digby’s priority on improving rural Internet is still in a holding pattern while they wait for a funding response from Innovation, Science and Economic Developmen­t Canada.

And that wait, according to Coun. Matthew Ross, is getting tedious. Coun. David Tudor also said that 50 per cent of the funds directed towards rural Internet projects across the country have already been allocated.

Evan Nemeth, economic developmen­t officer with the Western Regional Enterprise Network, who was in attendance at council’s Jan. 22 meeting, was asked to speak to the issue.

“In all fairness, I believe they received double the number of applicatio­ns that they expected,” Nemeth said.

Ross proposed and council approved a motion to send a letter to MP Colin Fraser, MLA Gordon Wilson and the local WREN, asking for an update on their rural internet funding request.

Haines Lake property grant applicatio­n

After five months of discussion­s that included a public meeting in September, the county’s Open Space Committee asked council to approve a proposal to apply for $75,000 through a provincial recreation facility developmen­t grant by Feb. 5.

The committee also asked that the municipali­ty kick in an addi- tional $25,000 in initial funding to renovate the existing office building to create a small community room, add accessible washrooms and change rooms, address air-quality concerns, add a metal roof to the large barn, develop the dock, landing and waterfront access, remove a hose drying rack and install signage at the site.

Council approved the grant proposal request and, if approved, the subsequent funding of $25,000 towards the project.

Hold onto that highway project

A letter received by council from Transporta­tion and Infrastruc­ture Renewal Minister Lloyd Hines said that although planning work continues, the further constructi­on of the controlled access Highway 101 beyond Marshallto­wn is not currently on the province’s five-year highway improvemen­t plan.

The letter effectivel­y puts Phase 2 of the Highway 101 Digby-to-Weymouth project on hold for several years, although constructi­on work will continue on the initial phase extending the controlled access highway to Marshallto­wn.

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